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Let’s play games(让我们玩游戏吧) Quick answers(快速抢答) Xiao Ming’s mother has 3 children(小孩): Da Mao, Er Mao and who? 2. Who is your father’s wife(妻子)? 3. Who is your father’s son/daughter(儿子/女儿)? 4. Who is your mother’s mother’s husband(丈夫)? 5. Who is your father’s father’s wife (妻子)? 6. Who is your uncle’s daughter/son? Add the words in the box to the family tree. Draw your own family tree. 画你自己家的家谱 Pair work Homework:把下列单数句子变为复数句子,或把复数句子变为单数句子。 1. This is my book. 2. He is a student. 3. These are his brothers. 4. Those are her pens. 5. I have a sister. 6. They are my cousins. 7. It is a backpack. * Unit 3 This is my sister. Section B Changling Middle School Ma Bo 1.The quickest team. (最神速小组) 2.The cleverest team.(最机智小组) 看看谁动作最快、发音最准! Rules(比赛规则): 当你看到有空缺的单词时,要尽快迅 速站起,同时大声拼出相应的单词,反应 最快和声音最大的组为胜. grandf_ther gr_ _dmother fat_er _other b_ _ther si_ter fr_end a_nt un_le a h a n c r o u m s i Quick answers(快速抢答) My mother. It’s me. / My sister. / My brother. My grandfather. Xiao Ming My grandmother. My cousin. Words son 儿子 cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 daughter 女儿 uncle 叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑父 aunt 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母 sister son cousin grandfather mother aunt Writing sister daughter ( ) (4) (brother) _____ (5) father/ (2) grandfather /grandmother (1) uncle/ (3) daughter ( ) (6) mother aunt son cousin Listen and check the words you hear. Listening grandfather ___ grandmother ___ cousin ___ father ____ mother ____ uncle ____ aunt ____ brother ____ sister ____ √ √ √ Listen again. Which picture are Dave and Lin Hai talking about. Listening They are talking about picture 1. You are Liu Ming’s good friend. If you want introduce (介绍)his family to the class. What can you say? This is ---. his These are his ---. 单数变复数的规则: this 变 these that 变 those he/she/it 变they is 变成 are 名词后边加s: boy—boys


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