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* * * * * * * * * * * Section B(1a-2e) Unit6 I’m going to study computer science. 初中英语人教版八上 学习目标 能正确听、说、读、写单词resolution, team, foreign, able, be able to, question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, write down, physical, themselves, have to do with等。 了解什么是新年计划和不同种类的新年计划,以及关于制定新年计划的观点。 能阅读关于新年计划方面的文章, 学会养成良好 的习惯,从而制定未来的计划。 Brainstorming jobs cook engineer violinist computer programmer pianist pilot scientist runner doctor basket player actor nurse Lead in New Year’s Day is coming! What are you going to do next year? What’s your New Year’s resolutions ? The plans you make for yourself on New Year’s Day Free talk A: What are you going to do next year? B: I’m going to get lots of exercise. I’m going to make a basketball team. What about you? A: I’m going to learn another foreign language. I’m going to learn French. Tell your partners your New Year’s Resolutions 1a Match the pictures with the New Year’s resolutions. 1. Learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 5 4 1 3 2 1c Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a. 1. learn to play an instrument 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 1d Listen again and fill in the chart. resolution How are they going to do it? Lucy Kim Mike I’m going to study hard and do my homework every day. I’m going to take piano lessons. learn to play the piano get good grades make the soccer team I’m going to practice really hard. (I’m going to go to a summer camp and play soccer every day there.) Try to retell Three students made their New Year’s resolutions. Kim is going to get good grades. To make her New Year’s resolutions work, she is going to study hard and of course do her homework every day. Lucy is going to…. 2a Discuss the questions with your partner. Did you make any resolutions last year? What were they? Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? Last year’s resolutions Kept


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