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* * Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 【导语】俗话说: 门门有道; 道道有门。做任何事情, 都要注意方法和技巧。 Not Only On Strength, But Also On Ways There was once a farmer cutting wood in the forest when a big bear came. The big bear said, “Hey, let’s test our strength, all right? ”The farmer said OK. At this moment, with an axe in his hands, the farmer drove a piece of wood into a rift on a big tree stump. Then he said to the bear, “Can you force the stump apart? ”The bear put his claws into the rift right now. With his axe, the farmer hit away the piece of wood quickly. The bear’s claws got squeezed in the rift. The bear could not move. The bear replied immediately, “No, I dare not test our strength. ”The farmer smiled and said, “Please remember, Mr. Bear!Strength match not only depends on strength but also on ways. ” 【词海拾贝】 strength 力量; 力气 rift 裂缝; 裂口 stump树桩 force迫使 claw爪; 爪子 axe斧 get squeezed in. . . 被挤在…… depend on 依靠; 依赖; 取决于 【我的感悟】 When we do anything, we should depend not only on strength, but also on ways. 我们做事情时, 不能只靠力气, 还应该讲究方法。


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