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Fish can not?breathe?out of water. 鱼离开水就不能呼吸。 * breathe v. 呼吸 sunburned adj. 晒伤的 climber n. 登山者 accident n. (交通)事故意外遭遇 rock n. 岩石 knife n. 刀 blood n. 血 control n. v. 限制;约束;管理 spirit n. 勇气;意志 挽救生命 丢了性命 摔倒 切除 按压鼻子两侧 晒伤 被球击中 做某事有困难 对…感兴趣 自救 处于非常危险的境地 save a life lose a life fall down cut off press the sides of the nose get sunburned get hit by a ball have problems (in) doing sth. be interested in doing sth. save by oneself be in a very dangerous situation 失血太多 坚持做某事 介意做某事 习惯于做某事 过去常常做某事 冒险 花光钱 走出困境 作出决定 放弃做某事 掌管 做某事的重要性 lose too much blood keep on doing sth mind doing sth. be used to doing sth used to do sth take risks run out of money get out of difficult situation make a decision=decide give up doing sth in control of sth. the importance of doing sth. Answer the following questions: 1. Who is Aron Ralston? An American mountain climber who is interested in climbing mountains. 2. Why does he enjoy climbing mountains? He is used to taking risks. It is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. 3.What happened to him when he was climbing mountains? He almost lost his life many times because of accidents. 2. Why does he enjoy climbing mountains? 3.What happened to him when he was climbing mountains? 4. When and where did the most serious accident happen to him? On April 26,2003 when he was climbing in Utah. 5. Why couldn’t he move? A large rock fell on him and his arm was caught by the rock. 6. How long did he stay there without any help? For five days. 7. When did he make a decision to save by himself? When he ran out of his water. 8. How did he save his own life? First, he cut off half his right arm with a knife. Then, he bandaged himself to stop the blood. At last he climbed down the mountain to get help. 9. What did he do after losing his arm? He wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard place. 10.What does it mean? It means being in a difficult situation that you can’t seem to get out of. 11. What does he tell us of in t


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