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How类特殊疑问句(讲义) 【key points】 How,How long,How far三大句型 ① How怎么……?问方式 Mary的妹妹怎么到学校的? —How does Mary’s sister get to school? —She drives to school./ She gets to school by car. ② How long 多长时间? 去公交车站要花费多长时间? —How long does it take to get to the bus station? —It takes about 5 minutes to get there. ③ How far 多远距离? 你家离学校有多远? —How far is it from your home to school? ?? 用长度单位回答: —It’s 5 kilometers (away) (from my home to school).确数 —It’s very far (away) (from here).概数 How often, How soon ① How often 多久一次 (问频率) —How often do you exercise ? —Three times a week. ② How soon 多久之后 —How soon will you come back? —In two weeks. 【专项训练】 How 一、判断正误并改正 第一组: 1.She to school on a bike. 2.She by bus to school. 3.She gets to school take a taxi. 1.Tom usually goes to the town on train. .You can get home by my mom’s car. She takes subway to school. 他乘飞机去河南。 ①_______________________________________________ ②_______________________________________________ ③_______________________________________________ ④_______________________________________________ 他步行去河南。 ①_______________________________________________ ②_______________________________________________ 三、单选 1.—____ do you get to school? —____ my mom’s car. A.How;In B.How;On C.How often;In D.How;With 2.Does Sandra go to work ____ bus or ____foot? A.to;byB.with;onC.by;onD.on;on 3.I often go to school____ but sometimes____. A.on a bus;on a car B.by a bike;by a bus C.on a bus;in a car D.by bike;on bus 4.She often ____ to Tokyo for the meeting. A.take the plane B.by plane C.on a plane D.flies 5.—How does Mr.Smith go to work? —He usually ______. A.by bus to work B.take the bus C.goes to work to take a bus D.goes to work on a bus H 一、翻译 1.你写作业花多长时间? 一个小时。 2.打扫房间总是占用我一天的时间。 3.我每天都花 3 个小时的时间读书。(take) 二、单选 1.—_____ are you staying in Tokyo? —For forty days. A.How long B.How many C.How oft


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