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高考完型填空复习策略 ---提示词在完型填空中的运用 Guessing the missing words. 有多个答案哦~ 1)______________is(are) helpful to patients. 2)_____________are helpful to patients. They help them to recover and give them good suggestions. 3)___________are helpful to patients. They cure them and help them to recover. Brain storming Exercises/ Doctors/ Nurses/Good mood/ Appropriate treatment Doctors, Nurses Doctors What is a clue word? A clue word (提示词)is very useful in a cloze, according to the clue words, youll find its much easier to do a cloze. He is just _____ here, so he has few friends here. Usually he is busy, but today he is ____. Clue words Clue words new free logical word logical word 找出下列句子中的Clue words 并填入适当的词. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1)Mr. Brown is a teacher, he works in the _______. 2) KFC staff not only work in the day, but also work during the _____. 3) It is so urgent that he has ___ time to explain more. 4) Linda ________ and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet. 5) Time is very valuable. We must _______ our time. school night no slipped treasure Collocation 同现 Reiteration 重现 clue word 提示词 What is collocation? ? 1.语义场同现 2.因果同现 看到“factory”这个词, 你会想到…… He didn’t have breakfast, so he is __ now. worker, machine,workshop because,since,result in , so…that, lead to hungry 3.修饰同现 4.结构同现 天使般的_____, 魔鬼般的______。 add… to … , either… or… , owe…to… 面孔 身材 What is reiteration? 1.原词重现: 有时为了表达的需求,在上下文中有同一 概念出现,可以借助这一信息选择正确答案。 如: Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is ) a belief in fairies(仙女). None of these __21__ are the friendly, people-loving characters that appears in the Disney films… 21. A. babies? ?B. believers? ? C. fairies ?? D. superman 2.同义词或近义词重现: 原文表达中,可借助意思相同或相近的词, 有时则是用解释性的语言来连接上下文的语义。如: There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or


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