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A riddle 谜语 There are some classrooms. There are some teachers.(老师) There are some students.(学生) They study(学习) and play there. * Story time 顾群妹 2 A new student A school What’s in the school? There is a …, I think. There are some …(s), I think. Nancy Black Nancy 2 A new student Hi, I’m Nancy Black. I’m a new student. Nice to meet you. Can you show her around? 带她参观 ____________________ What rooms are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么房间? Maybe they are talking about the … 可能 他们在谈论… What rooms are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么房间? Maybe they are talking about the … 可能 他们在谈论… Let’s watch and tick. table tennis room ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Story time What rooms are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么房间? Maybe they are talking about the … 可能 他们在谈论… Let’s watch and tick. table tennis room ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) √ √ √ √ √ These are the classrooms. How many classrooms are there in our school? There are 24 classrooms. Yes,there are. There are two computer rooms. There’s a library too. Are there any computer rooms? Is there a music room? Yes,there is. It’s on the first floor. The table tennis room is on the first floor too. the second floor the third floor the first floor bird door a. library b.Nancy’s classroom e.music room d.table tennis room puter room Where are these rooms? Learning tips: 学习小贴士: 1.请仔细阅读P16-17页对话,划出这些房间所在的楼层,再去大楼标上序号。 2.完成后同桌二人交流核对,请使用以下句型,用中文交流的同学,所在小组要扣分。 ①Is there a … on the … floor? Yes, there is. /No. there isn’t. ②Are there any …(s) on the … floor? Yes, there are. /No. there aren’t. ③Where is …? It’s on the … floor. ④Where are …(s)? They’re on the … floor. ⑤How many …(s) are there ? There is … . /There are … . a. library b.Nancy’s classroom e.music room d.table tennis room puter room Where are these rooms? one first two second three third 基数词 序数词 表示第几时,需要在序数词前加上the,如在一楼表示为on the first floor a c b d c e Try to remember Hi, Yang Ling. This is Nancy Black. She is a new student


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