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初中英语动名词 篇一:初中英语语法专项---动名词 动名词用法 一、 构成:动名词由“动名词原形+ing”构成,其变化规则与现在分词的变化 规则相同。 二、 用法:动名词极有名词的特征,也有动词的特征。它可以在句中作主语、 宾语、表语和定语。 ? 动名词(短语)作主语时 1) 动名词作主语时,其谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 Making small machines is my favourite hobby. Sitting straight means a person is confident. 提示:如果是两个动名词(短语)作并列主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 Listening to music and reading story books are my favourite hobby. 2)动名词作主语时通常放在句首,也可用it做形式主语放在句首,而把真正主语动名词放在句末使句子平衡。 Crying over the spilt milk is no use. 可以写成:It is no use crying over the spilt milk. 提示:单个动名词作主语时,极少用形式主语。 Communicat ing is not just speaking. 一般不会写成:It is not just speaking communicating. ? 动名词(短语)作动词或介词的宾语。 1) 在及物动词后作宾语。常见的只能接动名词作宾语的动词有: mind,enjoy,finish,practice,keep,miss,avoid,suggest, deny,admit,cant help,feel like,give up等。 In countries like Spain,Italy and Greece,people like standing close to each other to talk. He enjoys going for a walk every morning. 2) 在介词后作宾语。常见的“动词+介词+动名词”的短语有: prefer?to,be/get used to,look forward to,feel like,give up,keep on,insist on,succeed in 等 Without hesitating she went to Simom and gave him a big smile. ? 用于某些惯用法中 1) Be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事” Mother is busy cooking dinner in the kitchen, 2) Be worth doing sth.“值得做某事” The book is worth reading, 3) It’s no use/good doing sth.“做??无用、无好处” Its no use asking him for help. 单项选择 1.No one enjoys_____at. A.laughing B.to laugh C.being laughed D. to be laughed 2.You must do something to prevent your house__________ . A.to be broken in B.from being broken in C.to break in D.from breaking in 3.They insisted on _________another chance to try. A.given B.givingC.being given D.to be given 4.—Where is my passport? I remember________ it here. —You shouldn#39;t have left it here. Remember____________ it with you all the time. A.to put;to takeB.putting;taking C.putting;to takeD.to put;taking 5.His room needs _______ , so he must have it_________. A.painting; paintedB.painted; painting C.painting; paintingD.painted; painted 6.After finishing his


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