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初中英语单词拼写mp3 篇一:初中英语单词拼写 Day One(A-B) 1.Our __________(能力)to think and speak makes us different from other animals. 2.This song is very popular, both at home and___________(国外). 3.Several students are____________(缺席)from school today. 4.He speaks with a strong southern____________(口音). 5.Please__________(接受)my sincere apologies. 6.He hopes to __________(达到)all his aims soon through hard work. 7.The newspapers nowadays are full of ________________(广告)for cars. 8.Health experts __________(建议)citizens to eat more green food. 9.They have made an______________(一致,同意)about the project. 10.Both domestic and international ______________(航线)are quite busy during the holidays. Day Two(A-B) 1.Global warming is causing great concern______________(在…中间)scientists. 2.This book is about the _______________(古代的)civilizations(文明)of Asia. 3.__________(蚂蚁)live in groups. 4.This method probably wont work, but let’s try it______________(无论如何,反正). 5.The sun _______________(出现) on the horizon. 6.Under such pressure, she still a______________(看起来)very calm. 7.My father joined the_____________(军队)when he was 16. 8.Scientists from both sides of the Atlantic___________________ will meet next month in new York. 9.A___________1st is Fools’ Day. 10.We should pay more____________________(注意)to the needs of older people. Day Three(A-B) 1.These tickets are available for only one month._____________________________________.The lawyer is not available now____________________________________________. 2.Measures must be taken to ____________(避免)the risk of fire. 3.The kids in his class are from different family backgrounds________________. 4.Can you help me blow up these ________________(气球). 5.______________(竹子)is pandas favourite food. 6.Some poor families are unable to meet their _______________(基本的)needs. 7.He is as busy as a bee._________________________________. 9.She often eats biscuits________________ after lunch. 10.This food has a bitter taste._____________________________


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