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初中英语试讲视频 篇一:初中英语试讲 各位评委老师,大家好! 我是来应聘初中英语的一号考生,今天我抽到的试讲题目是《Whats the matter》。 导入 Step1 Lead in(5) Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! Whats wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You?d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don?t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor?s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let?s come to study Unit2 What?s the matter? 新授 Step2 Presentation(20) Please turn to Page7 and finish 1a according to the picture, I will give you 2 minutes. Times up. Please tell me your answer. Great. You all get the correct answer. Now, I will teach you the pronunciation of these words, please read follow me. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Ok, guys, this time please point to your body while reading, let?s read them again. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Good job! I have an activity for you. Two students a group, one to read and the other to point to the body. Try to remember these words in this process, Ok? If you have any difficulty, ask your partner or put up your hand and ask me. Which one? It?s stomach. Stomach. That?s it. Ok,guys, stop here. It seems that you enjoyed this activity. Very good, I will plan more activities for you in future. Now, please at the PPT. I want to check how many words you have grasped. What?s this? how about this? And this one?Ear or eye? Yeah, its eye. Pay attention to them. Guys, look at the pictures here,and tell me what are the students’ problems? How about this one? Yes, he has a headache. And, this one? He has a sore throat. That’s it. But, what would you do if you feel ill? Any advices? Yes, sb. should go to the doctor. As far as I am concerned, sb. shoul


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