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剑桥少儿英语预备级下册单词 篇一:剑桥少儿英语预备级下册单词汇总 剑桥预备级下册单词句型(U1-6) How many boys are there? There are thirteen. 有多少个男孩?有十三个。 Hello! Welcome to our school. Please come with me. This is our swimming pool. 你好!欢迎来到我们的学校。这是游泳池。 He and she. He and she. He can dance and she can read. 他和她,他和她。他能跳,她能读。 We and you. We and you. We can skate and you can paint. 我们和你们,我们和你们,我们会滑冰,你们会画画。 It and they. It and they. It can talk and they can play.它和它们,它和它们。它会说话,它们会玩。 自我介绍:I am ***. I can***. She is ***. She can***. He is ***. He can ***. Hello! I?m Nick. She ?s Pat and he?s Tom. We are all friends. 你们好!我是Nick.她是Pat,他是Tom,我们都是朋友。 This is Lily. She?s my best friend. She?s seven. 这是Lily. 她是我最好的朋友,她七岁。 自我介绍:I am ***. I can ***. She is ***. She is my friend. She can***. He is ***. He is my friend. He can*. 自我介绍:I am ***. I can ***. I like ***. He is ***. He is my best friend. He can ***. He likes***. She is ***. She is my friend, too. She can ***. She likes ***. Do you like pineapples? No, I don?t.你喜欢菠萝吗?不,我不喜欢。 What time is it? It?s 8 pm. 几点了?下午八点。 What do you do in the living room? I watch TV in the living room. 你在客厅做什么?我在客厅看电视。 I like skirts. I don?t like trousers.我喜欢短裙子。我不喜欢裤子。 You can put on the blue dress. It?s beautiful.你可以穿那条蓝裙子,它很漂亮。 I don?t know. Let?s ask our friends.我不知道。让我问问我们的朋友们。 That?s a good idea.那是个好主意。 Yes.是的。 What are the cows doing?牛在做什么? Who can tell us, “What are the cows doing?”谁能告诉我们牛在做什么? They are eating grass.它们在吃草。 This is my pet. It?s a rabbit. I keep it in the house.这是我的宠物,它是一只兔子。我把它养在房子里。 This is the duck I keep in the house. 这是我养在房子里的鸭子。 We are going to Shanghai. What about you?我们要去上海。你们呢? We are going to Kunming.我们要去昆明。 How are you going there?你们怎么去? I?m going there by ship.我们乘船去。 剑桥预备级下册单词句型(U12-16) What?s that?那是什么? This is hair. This is an ear. This is an eye. This is an arm. This is a mouth. It?s a body. It?s a foot. It?s a leg. This is a man with two big eyes.这是一个长着两个大眼睛的人。 Touch your head.摸摸你的头。 你好!这是我的朋友Linda.那是她的狗,Bobby. 那是什么? Th


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