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北师大版小学英语第二册上mp3 篇一:北师大版小学英语第二册全册教案 小学英语第二册教案(全套) 1、能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流; 2、能听、说、认、读66个单词和听、说、读、写26个字母并且能 听、说、读、写36个单词(包括学校、家庭、家具、数字、文具、食品和饮料、动物等几个话题),并能简单地运用; 3、能听、做7个“TPR”活动; 4、能学会2个小制作; 5、能学唱8首歌曲; 6、能听、说、唱8首歌谣; 7、能完成8个自我评价活动; 8、能听懂6个幽默小故事; 9、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 Unit 1 Welcome back to school Lesson 1 教学内容:Part A Lets talk and let’s practise 教学目标: 1.巩固问候语Good morning. Hi. 2.学习新句型We have a new friend today. Im from…(国家). Welcome!并通 过会话,学生会介绍他人及做自我介绍。 教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能学着做自我介绍。 教学难点:解决American, Canada及China的发音,然后掌握新句型。 教学准备: 1.主要人物的头饰(Mike, Amy, Bailing)。 2.公众人物的头饰(Miss White, Sarah, Wu Yifan, Mr. Black) 3.三个国家的国旗或者其他标志物。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up. 1. Sing the “Hello” song. 2. Greeting: The pattern is: T: Good morning, A. Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again. A: Nice to see you, too. 1) Explain the difference between “Nice to meet you” and “ Nice to see you”. 2) Emphasis the word “WELCOME”. 二.Presentation. 1.Leading out. Lets me guess what you do in the winter vacation. (See a lot of cartoon film.) 2.Practice the sentence “Im from….”. Now I want to show you my friend (while take out the toy JERRY). Do you know 1) Follow me to read the word AMERICA more than twice. 2) Follow me to read the whole sentence “I?m from America.” (show them the pattern “I?m from….) Now let?s see, what?s this in English? (show them the Canadian flag) 1) Follow me to read the word CANADA. 2) Try to use this pattern to make a sentence. “I?m from Canada.” 1) Read the word CHINA. 2) Make a sentence. “I?m from China.” 3. Game time—Introduce yourself. 1) Give them some card which is written of the name of the places or country’s. Practice the sentence “I’m from….” 2) Now see it, if I am Jerry, I will introduce myself as “Hello, I’m Jerry. I’m from America.” So can you introduce yourself? Practice to introduce themselves. 4. New lesson. You did a good job, boys and girls. Now lets go back to Sarah’s school. They have a new friend today. 1) And follow


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