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小学英语环保报 篇一:小学英语环保教案 小学英语环保教案 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals I like (Second Period) Language focus: 1. Using nouns to identify animals. e.g.: pandas 2. Using simple present tense to express interests and preferences. e.g.: Yes, I like pandas. 3. Using “yes / no” questions to obtain simple responses. e.g.: Do you like monkeys? 4.The product is environmental friendly. Language skills: Speaking: 1. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners. 2. Open an interaction by eliciting a response. 3. Maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual or “yes / no” questions. Materials: SB P18, cassette, wall pictures, picture and word cards, photocopiable P9-11 Preparation: Say: I like? 一、 Pre-task Preparation 1.Review the words of animals 复习学过的动物单词。 Stick the wall picture on the board. Ask students if they have been to a zoo before. Ask students to look at Student’s Book P18and point out the animals that may also be found in a zoo. 创设情境,询问学生你去过动物园吗?你在动物园中看到过什么动物? 看书18页,说一说。 2.Introduce: lions, tigers zebras, elephants, giraffes, pandas, monkeys Introduce: lions, tigers, zebras, elephants, giraffes, pandas, monkeys using picture cards and word cards. Ask students to pair the word and picture cards 我试着让学生认识熊猫是我国的国宝,它仅生存于中国的珍惜动物,金丝猴是我国的一级保护动物;像大象、孟加拉虎等一些濒临灭绝的动物,世界各国都采取了有效的保护措施。从这些词汇教学中,可以教育学生爱护动物,保护生态环境。 二、 While-task procedure (一)Listen and repeat 1.Play the cassette. Students listen and follow in their books. 2. Play the cassette again. Students repeat. 听录音熟悉句型,模仿语音语调,复述内容,增强对句型的理解 3. Divide students into groups. (二)Practise: Which animals do you like? Groups take turns to walk around the classroom and ask their classmates about their preferences of animals. Students take their books and write down their classmates’ name beside the animal they like 分角色表演,鼓励学生大胆综合运用所学句型,丰富对话内 (三)Make a class zoo Divide students into groups. Use photocopiab


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