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李维嘉主持的节目 篇一:浅析电视综艺栏目“主持人群” 毕业设计论文 题 目: 浅析电视综艺栏目“主持人群” 学 院:播音主持艺术学院 专 业:播音与主持艺术专业 班 级:B1107 学 号:11401030716 姓 名:王尚钰 指导老师: 李黎明 摘 要 近年来,国内的综艺节目以其幽默的节目风格受到了越来越多观众的喜爱。同时节目组都希望将各个社会阶层、各个年龄阶层的观众都作为自己的受众,而众口难调的现象使节目难以制作。“主持人群”就是为了改善这一现状所做的尝试,让不同年龄不同风格的主持人同台主持,让观众根据自己的审美各取所需,以获得更多阶层观众的关注。 本文研究了主持群的现象,从主持群发展的现状入手,并分析了电视综艺节目主持群深受欢迎的原因。 它既有主持群国内电视传播环境的变化,又有电视综艺节目自身发展变化的内在需要,最重要的是电视受众更希望看到主持人在节目中的互动配合。主持群有明确的分工配合,但仍有主次之分,按照角色分工可以分为主主持、副主持。分析国内综艺节目比较成功的主持群“快乐家族”、“天天兄弟”,虽然较单个主持人,主持群有积极的传播效果,但是在发展的过程中仍出现了不少问题,包括多个主持人分工配合很难明确,主持群容易喧宾夺主影响观众对节目的接受,主持群品牌管理没有得到足够重视等。最后提出了解决问题的方法,在主持群的发展过程,如果能够加强主持群的分工配合,牢固树立主持群品牌意识,整合多渠道推广主持群,就能很好地优化主持群的发展。 关键词:“主持人群”;合作与分工;综艺节目 Abstract Nowadays,it is very common to see a TV program with multi-host in our domestic TV channels,especially for the variety show.And this is becoming the development trend of the hosting style of China variety show.And already has the professional way which called “Host Group” in the industry.China variety show host group?s development is getting mature. Based on the study of domestic TV variety show host phenomenon,from the current analysis of host group development,found out reasons why host g(转 载 于:wWW.xlTkWJ.Com 小 龙文 档 网:李维嘉主持的节目)roup of variety show are being so popular,one is the change of the environment,also the development change needs of variety show.The most important reason is more and more audiences hope to see interaction between different hosts.It is the time for the host group to go through these variety shows to let audiences have deep impression to them,widely and frequently.Although in host group,they have their own role and coordination,the still have primary and secondary distinction for internal partner.Here focus on analysis of different role of host group,and then split it into different patterns based on the internal work assignment.At last,we can see from the variety shows which gain the most of audiences heats,we can get conclusion that it is still have many problems,such as inde


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