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私募叶飞,调查 篇一:叶飞论文 乐清市农村中小学体育教育现状调查和初步研究 叶飞 指导老师:唐剑峰副教授 (温州大学体育学院,浙江温州,325035) 摘要:本文运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计法,对乐清市部分乡镇的中学小学体育教育现状进行调查,结果发现:乐清市农村中小学九年义务制教育体育教学大纲基本实施,课外体育锻炼和课余训练有待加强,师资队伍建设还须提高,场地器械材不足,健康教育不够完善。还客观地揭示了中小学体育教育中各自的优势与不足,以及镇中心学校与乡村学校存在的差异。针对存在的问题,进而提出了相应对策,为教育和体育职能部门决策提供客观、科学的参考依据。 关键词:乐清市;农村中小学;体育教育;现状调查 Investigate and preliminary research in physical education current situation of middle and primary schools of countryside of Yueqing YefeiInstructor:TangJianFeng Abstract: This text uses law of documents and materials, the investigation method of the questionnaire, statistic law of mathematics and physics, through carrying on the investigation to some sports education current situations of primary school of middle school of villages and towns of Leqing, found finally: The countryside middle and primary schools of Leqing make the sports syllabus of education to basically implement voluntarily in nine years, physical training and training remain, strengthen after school after class, teachers building of contingent must improve also, the apparatus material in the field is insufficient, the health education is not complete enough. Have also briefed the middle and primary schools one#39;s own advantages and deficiencies in sports education on objectively, and the difference that the school in the center of town and rural school exist. To the existing problem, and then has proposed the corresponding countermeasure, has offered the objective, scientific reference basis for making policy in education and sports functional department. Keywords: Yueqing;Countryside middle and primary schools;Sports education;The current situation is investigated 1 前言 当前 ,学校教育正处于深刻的变革时期。上世纪末 ,我国已提出了全面推行素质教育 ,其中作为学校教育重要组成部分的学校体育 ,在培养和提高青少年学生的素质过程中担负起了越来越重要的历史责任。那么在我国大部分农村,学校体育开展得并不十分完善,对于目前农村学校体育存在的问题,要逐步完善农村学校体育教育:主要从改变观念,改善办学条件,加强师资队伍等方面进行完善提高。 近年来乐清市学校体育发展较好,而以乡镇为中心的农村学校体育的发展不太乐观,这将是影响乐清市学校体育的整体发展。因此,本课题试图科学地调查研究,来分析乐清市现阶段农村学校体育存在的问题。根据现状的分析提出相应的建议,希望能为教育和体育政府职能部门决策提供客观、科


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