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基于HFSS的电磁屏蔽设计 摘要 电磁仿真的商业化软件在全球的第一个就是说明书设计的HFSS,业界公认的三维电磁场设计和分析的工业标准!这次设计的主要内容是基于HFSS的电磁屏蔽的设计,我通过市场上两种常见的两种手机壳进行了模拟,为了体现分析的对比性我采用了市场上的同一家公司的同一个系列产品,分别为市场上常见的PC材质手机壳(华为荣耀3c)和市场上常见的金属材质(华为荣耀7)的手机壳,通过对市场上常见的手机壳的对比调查对这两种手机壳进行分析调查、以及这两种材质的手机壳进行全方位多方面的分析、介绍和对比得到了我们基于HFSS的电磁屏蔽的分析结果。具体方法是通过不同材质手机壳中的腔体以及空隙分析,认识了解孔缝和腔结构对屏蔽效能的影响,找出提高屏蔽效能的方法,在构建一个腔单腔的物理模型的基础上做了改进,建立孔阵列和带有分仓的矩形腔题模型,使用有限元仿真软件HFSS模拟和分析了屏蔽效能。屏蔽效能的结果表明可使体内腔仓库改善,但对外仓的屏蔽效能的影响,而且使主谐波频率偏移在保持孔缝不变条件下的区域,孔阵列的屏蔽效能比单腔裂纹长宽比越小,屏蔽效能越好 Electromagnetic shielding design of base on HFSS Abstract This design by two common on the market two following are simulated, respectively for the PC material and the market of common metal materials, mainly through the following from cavity and gap analysis, understand seam hole and cavity structure on the effect of shielding effectiveness ,find out the ways to improve the shielding effectiveness, in building a single cavity on the basis of the physical model of single cavity made improvement, establish hole array and rectangular cavity with points warehouse model, using the finite element simulation software HFSS simulation and analysis was carried out on the shielding effectiveness.The results show that the shielding effectiveness of warehouse can make the cavity in the body warehouse to improve, but little effects on the shielding effectiveness of the foreign storehouse, and makes the main harmonic frequency offset points storehouse;In keeping hole seam under the condition of invariable area, hole array of shielding effectiveness is better than single cavity, and the crack aspect ratio is smaller, the better the shielding effectiveness Keywords:electromagnetic shielding;mobile?telephone?shell;shielding effectiveness 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究的内方法和意义 1 2 电磁屏蔽原理 2 2.1 电磁屏蔽技术 2 2.1.1 麦克斯韦方程组 2 2.1.2 屏蔽的三种方式 3 2.2 屏蔽基本原理 5 2.2.1 电磁波的简介 5 2.2.2 电磁屏蔽以及电磁屏蔽效能的定义 6 3 手机外壳的设计分析 8 3.1 市场常见手机外壳的设计及作用 8 3.2 PC材质手机外壳设计 12


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