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翻译证明模板 篇一:在读证明翻译模板样本 百事可译翻译机构分享学习 XXXX 大 学 学 籍 证 明 兹有学生XX,性别XX,19XX年XX月XX日出生,201X年9月入学。现在我校经济管理学院本科XX专业学习,学制四年。 特此证明 (学院章) 20 年 月 日 XXXX University Students Status Certificate This is to certify that XXXX, male, born in XXXX 1994, was eolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of XXXX in School of Economics and Management, XXXX University in September 201X. It is a full-time, four-year program leading to a Bachelor?s Degree. Hereby certified. (Seal of the school) Date: 篇二:各项证明中英文模版 单位在职证明内容样板 英文 Statement of Certification This is to certify that the following staff member of our company is allowed to take a sightseeing tour in Europe in May – Jun 2009. We guarantee that will obey the laws and regulations and return to China on schedule. We will resume All the expenses including health insurance will be paid by Please kindly issue Thank you in advance. GUANGDONG YUANYUAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY CO. LTD. 6th February 2009 单位在职证明内容样板 中文 证明书 兹证明以下人员为我司的员工。他们将于2009年5月-6月期间到欧洲旅游,我们保证其旅行期间遵守欧洲法律及法规并如期回国。我们将保留其职位。 此次旅行费用由其本人承担。 请批准其签证,谢谢! 此致 广东圆圆电力工业有限公司 2009年 2 月 6 日 学校放假信样板 学校抬头 放假证明 同学是我校年级学生,我校放假时间是至。我校知道该学生在放假期间将跟随其(母亲或父亲或其他直系亲属)前往欧洲旅游。如期回国后,将返回我校继续学习. 校长(或班主任)姓名: 校长(或班主任)直线电话(盖公章): Statement of Certification This is to certify that is a student of Accounting in our school. Our school has vocation from to ,that will last days. We know that will take a travel to European countries with during the vocation. will continue studying in our school upon returning to China on schedule. All the above is confirmed. (学校名称) (在信 纸右下角由学校负责人签名,盖学校公章) Tel: (学校电话) Add:(学校地址) 注:划线部分根据申请人具体情况更改 出生公证书中英文样板 公证书 兹证明XXX(名字),男(女 性别),于XXXX年XX月XX日在XX 省XX市出生。XXX(名字)的父亲是XX(名字),XXX(名字)的母亲是XX(名字)。 A、 B、 NOTARIAL CERTICICATE This is to certify that XXXX(姓名),XXXX(性别 male 男/ Female 女),was born on XX(月份),XX(日期),XXXX(年)in XXXX(城市名),XXXX(省)。His /Her(她或他)father is XXXX(名字) and His /Her(她或他)mother is XXXX。 此公正翻译仅


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