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* The of the mummy Lead-in Pyramids and Sphinx Lead-in Mummy Mummy Mummy Lead-in The curse of the mummy 墓室的远景,地下的就是图坦卡蒙的金棺面具 陪葬品中法老生前用过的镜子 莲花座上图坦卡蒙的头像 Gold mask 埃及第18王朝法老图坦卡蒙死时只有18岁 “谁要是干扰了法老的安宁,死亡就会降临到他的头上。” Fast Reading Read the article quickly and answer the following questions: 1.Who is Howard Carter? 2.What happened to some of Carter’s team members after the tomb was opened? 1. curious (adj.)----(n.)? be curious about/ be curious to do 2. fortune (un.)/(cu.)----adj?----adv? 3. preserve (vt.) 保护,维护;维持…的原状,保存 preserve…from… 4. come across 偶然遇见;被理解 5. fall ill 中的fall? 6. only to do sth. 7. have something to do with----反义词? 8. In connection with----v.?常用搭配 Look up the following words in the dictionary: Look up the following words in the dictionary: 9. punishment for----v.? 用搭配 10.disturb(vt.)打扰;扰乱,弄乱 11. result in/ result from 12. clothing/ clothes/ cloth 13. though (conj.)/ (adv.) 1.Match the main ideas with the correct paragraphs: a. There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb. b. Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer. c. Lord Carnarvon died after Carter had opened the tomb. d. Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. e. A short introduction of Howard Carter’s life story. f. The mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained. g. More people died after Carter’s discovery. h. People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations. Para 1 Para 5 Para 6 Para 3 Para 4 Para 2 Para 7 Para 8 The _____ of Carter’s teammates. Character Connection with Carter and the tomb How did he die? ______________ Pet bird George Gould ________________ Carnarvon’s ______, ______ the tomb eaten by a _____ Carter’s _________, ________ the tomb fell ill with a _____ had a high _____ died of _____ _____ Team ________ ______________ Not mentioned death provider fever friend fever


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