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Read the words Guessing??? Remember the new words about color 记住有关颜色的单词。 Practice the conversations we learnt this period and make your own conversations with your partner. 练习这节课学习的对话,和你 的同伴自己编出新的对话。 * Period 1 r___d yell__ __ bl___ck br__ __n p__ __ple bl___e p___nk gr__ __n wh___te or___nge [red] e [bl?k] a [p?:pl] ur [?rind?] a [blu:] u [jel?u] ow [braun] ow [pi?k] i [ɡri:n] ee [wait] i New words: and [ ?nd ] red white purple black blue green yellow brown A blue red green yellow white brown (Match the pictures with the colors.) B C D E F H G black purple Guessing colors (猜颜色): Our life is colorful! Please love it! English is very interesting! Please enjoy it! 1a Look at the picture. Write the letter for each color. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ V S Y W Z U X T red yellow blue green purple black white brown a red quilt an orange orange a yellow key a blue pen a black jacket a green apple black tea black leg white coffee green eyed a black sheep 红茶 骗子 牛奶咖啡 眼红,嫉妒 害群之马 ,败家子 a green hand 新手 1. _ _日依山尽, 河入海流。 2.日出江花 胜火,春来江水 如 。 3.等闲识得东风面,万 ______千 总是春。 诗 境 色 话 white red red yellow green blue purple 选择填空 1. – What color is it? -- It’s ____ red. It’s ___ red car. A. /, / B. a, a C. a, the D. /, a 2. My jacket is ____ . It is ______ jacket. A. an orange, an orange B. an orange, orange C. orange, an orange D. orange, orange D C 英汉互译 1、它是什么颜色的?_______________________ 2、这把钥匙是什么颜色的?_____________________ 3、它是白色的。___________________________ 4、这是一把蓝色的尺子_________________________ 5、一件黄色的夹克衫_______________________ 6、一个橘子 _________________________ What color is it? What color is the key? It’s white. This is a blue ruler. a yellow jacket an orange Color : red green blue purple yellow black white brown Sentence: ---What’s this? It’s V.


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