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基数词口诀 基数词不难记,找出规律就容易; 0 至12 样各异,一个一个单独记; 后加teen 变十几,thirteen fifteen 看仔细; 18需要看准确,eighteen只有一个; 20到90加ty,twenty eithty 重点记; forty去掉字母u,thirty fifty更出奇; 十位数后接个位,表示数字几十几; 排列顺序不费力,连字符号别丢弃; 写到几百几十几,and把百与十系; 巧学巧记加努力,hundred是你的好成绩。 1. People from about 180 countries and areas live in New York. 2. The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall. 3. Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size. 4. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. 5. There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 6. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has over 13,000,000 people. Women’s Day is on the eighth of March. Our flat is on the seventh floor. He is always the first to come to school in our class. 基数词变序数词的口诀 基变序,有规律 二、用英语写出下列数字。 1、206,687 two hundred and six thousand six hundred and eighty-seven 2、108,026,260 one hundred and eight million twenty-six thousand two hundred and sixty 3、14,900,047 fourteen million nine hundred thousand and forty-senven 4、195,819 one hundred and ninth-five thousand eight hundred and nineteen * Unit 1 Dream houses Grammar There are some telephone numbers of your e-friends. Please write out the phone numbers in words. Amy John Madee Stephen Neil Anna Susan Elsa 数词 基数词 序数词 Cardinal numbers 基数词 We use cardinal numbers almost every day. We use them for lots of different things. 表示班级、年级、学校人数等;(Class 2 , Grade 7 ) 表示城市和国家的人口数量等; 表示电话号码、车牌号、门牌号、价格、年份等。 基数词(表个数)的用法 4. hundred, thousand, million的 特别用法: 前面有数词,则不用其复数,如 two hundred, five thousand等。表示上百、上千、上百万时,用hundreds of, thousands of , millions of 来表示。 基数词 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17seventeen


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