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1、数据裁切 矢量数据裁切 栅格数据裁切 1.1 矢量数据裁切 目的:Extracts input features that overlay the clip features. 操作流程: 使用提示: The spatial reference of the Output Feature Class will be the same as the Input Features. The Output Feature Class will have the attributes of the Input Features. The Input Features may be any geometry type. But, Clip Features must have polygon geometry. Current map layers may be used to define Input Features and Clip Features. When using layers, only the currently selected features are used in the CLIP operation. 1.2 栅格数据裁切(1) 目的:Extracts the cells of a raster based on a rectangle. 1.2 栅格数据裁切(2) 目的:Extracts the cells of a raster that correspond with the areas defined by a mask. 2、数据拼接 矢量数据拼接 栅格数据拼接 2.1 矢量数据拼接 目的:Appends multiple input features to a target feature class. 操作流程: 使用提示: Use APPEND when you want to combine two or more adjacent layers into one large layer that contains all their features. All Input Features must be of the same feature type (all area features, or all line, or all point). The spatial reference of all the Input Features must be identical. If the TEST option is specified, the field definitions of the feature classes must be the same and in the same order for all appended features. Current map layers may be used to define Input Features. When using layers, only the currently selected features are used in the APPEND operation. 2.2 栅格数据拼接 目的:This model allows you to mosaic multiple raster datasets into a single raster dataset. 操作流程: 3、融合 目的:基于属性的要素合并这个功能可以将主题中某一字段取值相同且相邻的要素合并成一个要素。你可以通过界面选取输入的图层和合并依据的属性。 操作流程: 1、图层擦除(Erase) Creates a feature class by overlaying the Input Features with the polygons of the Erase Features. Only those portions of the Input Features falling outside the Erase Features outside boundaries are copied to the Output Feature Class. Input Features can be polygons, lines, or points; but Erase Features must be polygons. Output features are of the same class as the Input Features. 2、识别叠置(Identity) Computes a geomet


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