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一.磁光效应的基本知识 随后不久,Zeeman, 等磁光效应被相继发现。 1915年左右,开始研究x-射线范围内的磁光性质 1930年,Hulme指出自旋轨道耦合是磁性材料中有MOKE的原因。 20世纪70年代才开始ab-initio的计算。 90年代,才第一次用第一性原理计算了MOKE谱。 磁圆二色性(MCD) Magnetic Circular Dichroism 作用: 可以测量特定位置,特定元素的自旋,轨道贡献的磁矩。 测量指定元素的磁滞回线。 XMCD的微观机理 XMCD的微观机理 RCP photons transfer to the electron a momentum opposite to that from LCP photons, creating phtoelectrons with opposite spins in the two cases. In the first (absorption) step, spin-up and spin-down are defined relative to the photon helicity or photon spin, which is parallel (right) or antiparallel (left) to the X-ray propagation direction. The magnetic properties enter in the second step. Here, the spin-split valence shell acts as a detector for the spin of the excited photoelectron. The quantization axis of the detector is given by the magnetization direction. 典型的XMCD谱线 一个应用(One Application) 稀磁半导体(DMS)中的MCD MCD来自价带电子的Zeeman劈裂 Zeeman劈裂会通过DMS中的sp-d交换作用而被过渡金属的局域磁矩Sz 而增强 MCD谱线能够反映掺杂后的能带,与host的能带结构比较,从而判断掺杂后是否有共同的晶格场,能侧面证明是否为替代掺杂 The zeeman splitting causes polarization dependent optical anisotropies, i.e., magneto-optical effects. The anisotropy of optical absorption causes magnetic circular dichroism (MCD). The anisotropy of the refractive index causes the Faraday effect, i.e., rotation of the polarization plane of linear-polarized light. The Faraday effect and MCD are closely related effects, and they contain identical information about the electronic structure of the material. 稀磁半导体(DMS)中的MCD 二、理论计算需要考虑的几个问题 1.对称性变化 2.自旋-轨道耦合 3.光电导张量 4.K-K关系和求和规则 1. 对称性变化 立方对称性 对称性变化对光学性质的影响 2. 自旋-轨道耦合 考虑自旋-轨道耦合,会出现因为磁化而导致对称性的降低 ① 打破能级的简并度; ② 不同的自旋态杂化; ③ 自旋能够反转; ④ 轨道矩和自旋矩的传递。 SO在第一性原理中的实现 3.光电导张量的计算 光电导张量的通用表达式是: 4. Krames-Kronig关系 光电导张量 一些光学系数计算公式 三、Co-doped TiO2 ● At the present time, Curie temperature (Tc 100 K) for most of the diluted ferromagnetic semi-conductors (DMSs) are still much lower than the room temperature so far. ● A lot of efforts have been made to get higher


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