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工程洒水车(五吨载重量)变速箱取力器及水泵 传动设计 摘 要 本文详细介绍了本次设计的方法及指导思想,本次设计的内容是五吨载重量工程洒水车的设计。设计是通过对一个现有的二类底盘的改装进行的,重点介绍了总体设计与布局的思想和取力器的设计方法。总体布局本着在保证强度的条件下体现美观。取力器是将变速箱中的动力通过齿轮分出一部分,并驱动水泵工作。设计取力器首先要保证动力传输的稳定性。由于空间布局的限制,要求取力器尽可能的小,在性能与体积之间寻求完美的结合点。本次设计始终本着“标准化,系列化,通用化”的设计理念,务求设计的洒水车以合理的成本体现出美观的外形和卓越的性能。本书同时还介绍了车架改装,管路布局,水罐设计和变速箱的改装。本书设计的五吨洒水车可用来灌溉植被,并且可以在炎日的夏季通过向路面喷水,以达到养护路面、减少扬尘,降低地表温度,也可用作紧急消防车和移动泵站。目前由于我国洒水车等特种车辆的改装生产还处于起步阶段,面对的市场非常的广泛,发展空间很大。 关键词: 二类底盘,取力器,水泵,标准化 DESIGN OF POWER TAKE-OFF AND WATER PUMP DRIVING OF ENGINEERING SPRINKLER (5 TONS LOAD WEIGHT) ABSTRACT This paper details the design of this method and the guiding ideology.The design is the subject of five tons deadweight engineering sprinkler design. Design is one of the II chassis for the Reequipment, focus on the thinking of overall design and layout and the design methods of the power take-off. Overall layout embodied beauty guarantee the conditions of the strength. Power take-off takes part of the driving force from the gear box, and drives pumps to work.Design of Power take-off guarantee the stability of power transmission first. Due to space layout restrictions, demanded the power take-off as possible for the small, search for the perfect point between Performance and size. The design has the spirit of standardization, serialization, and generalized design philosophy, in order for showing the Beautiful Shape and excellent performance by the Reasonable cost .The book also introduces a modified frame, pipe distribution, tank design and the modified gearbox . The design of the five-ton sprinkles available to irrigate vegetation, and in the summer through sprinkles the road, to conservate the road, reduce dust, reduce the surface temperature, and can be used as a emergency fire truck and emergency pumping station. Because the special vehicles like sprinkler production is still at the initial stage in china, the market is very broad, there is vast market. KEY WORDS: II chassis, power take off, pumps, standardizatio


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