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教学设计 河北省涉县职业技术教育中心 中职英语学科教案 授课时间: 2012—2013学年第一学期 适用专业班级:机械专业高一 编写人: 张春秀 编写时间: 2012年12月 中职英语学科教案 英语上册 基础模块 语文出版社 课题 Unit 6 Weather and Seasons (第一课时) (一)教学背景:学习杜郎口教学经验,体现学生为主体,教师为导的教学理念。运用多媒体教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生参与到实际课堂中去,培养学生的动手能力和他们的思维能力。积极参与到教学改革的热潮中。 (二)教材与学情分析:本单元以用英语描述天气及在不同的中做何种活动。模仿课文中重点句型介绍天气情况。 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计 意图 Everyday English Good morning ! Who is on duty today? Monitor, is everyone here? What’s the weather like today? What season do you like best ? Students answer: 营造氛围,集中注意力, 自由话题,使学生进入英语交流环境,提问内容,激活学生已有的知识 Lead--in The teachers show the TV screen (Weather report ) and lead—into new lesson. Notice: Which weather icon is there in the TV screen ? What are all kinds of the weather marks? Show the learning aims: A Master the oral expression in the daily life about the weather . B Master the key words and useful phrase. C Describe the weather about four seasons and main people’s activities in English. Students watch TV screen carefully Discuss and answer 训练学生的观察能力和注意力 明白任务,知道学习目标 New knowledge presentation A Show the PPT, watch weather icon B Let students say the English words about the weather icons. C Students, we have learned these words (sun cloud wind rain snow), what 词性are they belong to? 1.Learn new words. Follow me, read and write. Students ask and answer each other to master the knowledge. 2.Students discuss,explore,give the conclusion: n+y→adj 某些名词加上后缀y 可以变成形容词。 扩充词汇,学会联想 引导学生学习构词法 Practice Watch these pictures , make up the dialogues. What’s the weather like today ? It’s . Or How is the weather ? It’s Let students practice the dialogue in order. Then carry out the competition . Play the PPT about the weather. Let students draw the pictures and write out the words under the following pictures. Both students of each group practice the dialogue. Students draw the pictures, show their achievements. 帮助胆小的学


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