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Well, I’ve certainly had an excellent time here. And you have been kind. 哦,我在这儿过得非常愉快。你们真是太好了。 It’s been a great pleasure to have you with us. We hope you’ll come here more often in the future. 我们很高兴和你在一起。希望你今后经常来。 as ,often as `not; more ,often than `not: very frequently 往往; 大抵: * When its foggy the trains are late more often than not. 雾大时火车往往误点. I’m sure I will. Now that we’ve got to know each other better, I’m certain we can do more business to our mutual benefit. 肯定会。既然我们彼此更加了解了,相信今后我们能做成更多的互利互惠生意。 I hope so. 希望如此。 I do hope you’ll visit us someday soon. 我非常希望不久的将来你也能访问我们。 Not too long, I suppose. What kind of weather do you have at this time of the year? 我想不会太久。你的家乡这个季节的天气怎么样? It’s not this hot. The highest temperature there is 28 degrees, and there’s more rain. I prefer the dry weather you have here. 没有这么热,那儿最高气温只有28度,但雨水比较多。我还是喜欢你们这儿的干燥天气。 this adv to this degree; so 到此程度; 如此: Its about this high. 大约有这么高. * I didnt think wed get this far, ie as far as this. 我没想到我们会走这么远. * Can you afford this much (ie as much as this)? 你花得起这么多钱吗? Here we are at the airport. 我们到机场了。 It’s very kind of you to come and see me off, Mr.Zhang. 张先生,谢谢你来送我。 It’s my pleasure. It’s a pity that you have to go now. 这是我的荣幸,可惜你现在就要走了。 What’s the temperature today? 今天的气温有多高? About 32 degrees centigrade. 摄氏及华氏度转换公式: 1 C = (F- 32)* 5/9 大约摄氏32度。 Fahrenheit / fжrэnhait; `fжrэn.hait/ adj of a temperature scale with the freezing-point of water at 32 and the boiling-point at 212 华氏温度计的, 华氏的(冰点为32度, 沸点为212度): * The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit. 今天气温是华氏七十度. Oh, that’s pretty high. What is the highest temperature you get here? 够高的!这儿气温最高能达到多少度? About 38 degrees, I’d say. 我估计大约38度。 How long do you think this hot weather will last? 你估计这样热的天气会持续多久? Mt. Laoshan would be the ideal place for you, then. It has around 200 sightseeing spots. 那崂山将是你理想的地方。它总共有200多个旅游景点。 Sou


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