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Good evening, my dear students! O(∩_∩)O~ Beautiful April 11th, 2011 /i:/ e: me[mi:]? evening[’i:vni?]? ; ee: beef [bi:f]? ? deep [di:p] ea: sea[si:] cheap[t?i:p]; i: machine[m?’?i:n] police[p?’li:s] ie: field[fi:ld] shield[?i:ld] 规则:e+辅音+e结尾,第一个e e位于重度音节最后面时,legal, female,detail ee/ ea / ie / ei/ ey/ i/ /i/ i: big [biɡ]? ?? ?fish [fi?]?; y: happy[’h?pi] daddy[’d?di] ui: build[bild] guilty[’gilti]; e: before [bi’f?:] 规则: i+辅音+辅音 i在重读音节后面,distance, finger e在轻音节, decrease u在少数情况下 em/en在轻音节时,enjoy,employee y/ ie / -age/ Who is quicker? The meeting is on the 4th floor. Our office building is over there. I had received your email before your call. /e/ e: twelve[twelf] second[’sek?nd]; a: any[’eni] many[’meni] ea: heavy[’hevi] breakfast[’brekf?st] ie: friend[frend] 规则: e+辅音+辅音,smell,better, ea e在重读音节, very,bed em/en在重读音节时,enter, enterprise 极少数a,如any /?/ a: land[l?nd] matter[’m?t?] 规则: a在重读音节时,bad, fat, angry a+辅音+辅音,apple, rabbit Who is quicker? I heard from Jim that they are going to tear this tree down. Can you give me a hand? I have some problems with my computer. /a:/ ar: hard[h a:d] farm[f a:m] ; a: class[kl a:s] glass[gl a:s] al: half[h a:f] calf[k a:f] 规则:ar/ ear / /?/ u: sun[s?n] hungry[’h??gri] ; o: son[s?n] another[?’n?e ?] ou: enough[I’n?f] couple[’k?pl] 规则: u+辅音+辅音,funny, buttom o+m/n/v/ther ou/ u/ 个别oo组合,blood,flood Who is quicker? The couple with glasses is looking for their 4 year old son. My father asked me if I have enough money to afford my new car. /?:/ or: short[??:t] corn[k ?:n] ; ore: more[m ?:] before[bi’f?:] oor: door[d ?:] floor[fl ?:] our: four[f ?:] pour[p ?:] ; au: autumn[’?:t ?m] daughter[’d?:t ?]; al: call[k?:l] walk[w?:k


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