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B、对存量过多尚可利用者之处理 ???????????? (1)调拨其他单位利用:本单位的呆料,其他单位仍可设法利用,可将呆料调拨。 ???????????? (2)出售:可打折扣售予原承售厂商,以其固有的销售路脱手。如为制成品,则原有承售厂商可利用原有的营业线路向市场出售,如为购入材料,可交由采购部门洽销或用公开比价、招标的方式出售。 ???????????? (3)修改再利用:既成呆料,很少有利用机会,有时仍可将呆料在规格上稍加修改,即能加以利用。 ???????????? (4)推出新产品设计:新产品这设计与推出,消耗生产工厂中的呆料。 Thank you! * * The positioning of the PP-PI application within R/3 PP-PI is part of the standard R/3 solution. It is a subcomponent of the PP (Production Planning) module . It is not an industry solution like R/3 Retail. PP-PI is one module supporting process planning. PP-PI however, differs from the other subcomponents of PP (MPS, MRP...) in the fact that companies must purchase PP-PI separately. All other subcomponents are included in the PP price. * Material requirements are determined in user departments or within the framework of MRP. Either the user or the system can determine the source of supply. The RFQ processing functionality can be used in the solicitation of quotations and selection of vendors. You can also create purchase orders by referencing other purchasing documents (for example, contracts, purchase requisitions, or RFQs). Goods Receiving can refer directly to the purchase order. Information on stocks is available at any time. The order can also be directly referred to in Invoice Verification. * The positioning of the PP-PI application within R/3 PP-PI is part of the standard R/3 solution. It is a subcomponent of the PP (Production Planning) module . It is not an industry solution like R/3 Retail. PP-PI is one module supporting process planning. PP-PI however, differs from the other subcomponents of PP (MPS, MRP...) in the fact that companies must purchase PP-PI separately. All other subcomponents are included in the PP price. * The positioning of the PP-PI application within R/3 PP-PI is part of the standard R/3 solution. It is a subcomponent of the PP (Production Planning) module . It is not an industry solution like R/3 Retail. PP-PI is one module supporting process


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