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Unit 9 Orders and Their Fulfillment 订单及其执行 Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the students will:? know the validity of acceptance. be able to place, decline and accept orders in writing. be able to draw up purchase orders be able to gather information from correspondences and fill in the English contract accordingly Warming-up A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which starts with an offer from one person but which does not become a contract until the other party signifies an unequivocal willingness to accept the terms of that offer. The moment of acceptance is the moment from which a contract is said to exist, and not before. Warming-up Acceptance need not always be direct and can, in certain circumstances, be implied by conduct. Order is a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities. Order letters create one half of a contract. ◆ 学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,了解订货信以及回复订货信函的写作步骤和写作原则,掌握订货信以及回复订货信的常用词汇和常用句式,通过课文的分析,学会不同订货信的写法。 ◆ 本章主要内容 1.订货信以及回复订货信的写作步骤; 2.订货信以及回复订货信的写作原则; 3.订货信以及回复订货信的课文分析和词汇; 4.订货信以及回复订货信的常用句式。 背景资料 订货是买方向卖方提出的要求,要求卖方按定单所列的各项条件供货。 定单的取得,大致有两种情形: 1.经卖方报盘,或买方的还盘,最后由买方接受而成效,由买方制定定单发给卖方; 2.买方根据卖方事先所送的产品目录、价目表、甚至样品,直接定货(或称定购)。 定货可随时以书信的形式写成,亦可用事先印妥格式的定单。定单或定货书信一经卖方确认,一般就成为对买卖双方都有法律约束力的合同。因此,它们的制定或撰写必须准确和清楚,以免引起不可更正的麻烦。 订货同询盘和报盘一样,可采用电话、电报或书信方式提出,以电话或电报方式提出者,通常均另以书面确认。 另外,卖方接到买方的订单后应认收。认收时,最好重复一下订单的条件。 一、Order An order is a letter (or a printed form), sent by the importer to exporter, for request to supply a specified quantity of goods. Once an order is accepted by the export, he must send a letter confirming agreed terms and conditions. Then a transaction is concluded and a contract will be signed between both parties. If the exporter finds it difficulty to accept the importers order, he may recommend some substitutes; suggest other opportunities to do business together or just decline the
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