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CISISU-Business English for the Seniors Chapter Four A Comparison study between English and Chinese words and its translation 第四章 英汉词语对比与翻译 By Lily Chang Targets of Chapter Four To grasp the relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words; To study the cultural meaning of words; To learn the characteristic meaning of words in business discourse; To be well acquainted with translation skills of business words. 英译汉:good –好的 a good Christian a good parent a good child a good wife a good husband 虔诚的教徒 慈爱的父母 孝顺的儿女 贤良的妻子 尽职的丈夫 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words Differences: Chinese-相比英文,汉语词义严谨固定,词的含义范围较窄,词义上下的依赖性比较小。 English-英文词义灵活多变,词的含义范围比较窄,词义上下的依赖性较大,英语一词多义的现象较汉语多。 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words Three relationships 1. complete correspondence 词义完全对应 In response to the famine plaguing the Horn of Africa, the Chinese Government decides to provide 443.2 million yuan worth of emergency food assistance to the affected countries through the UN bilateral channels. 译文:为应对目前的“非洲之角”饥荒,中国政府决定通过联合国双边渠道向有关国家提供价值4.432亿元人民币的紧急粮食援助。 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words Trademark 商标 Personal Tax 个人所得税 Treasury Department (美)财政部 New York 纽约 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 石油输出国组织 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 亚太经济合作组织 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words Summary: 主要是已有通用译名的术语、专有名词和描写客观事物的名词。 2.partial correspondence 词义部分对应 hill, mountain 山 lend, borrow 借 take, bring, fetch 拿 cry, shout, call 叫 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words brother 兄弟、同胞、同业、社友、会友 brother-in-law 姻兄、姻弟、内兄、内弟、姊夫、妹夫、大伯、小叔 uncle 伯父、叔父、舅父、姑父、姨父 sister 姊、妹、姑、姨、嫂 aunt 伯母、大妈、婶娘、叔母、姨母、姑母、舅母、姑妈、阿姨 Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words 3. no correspondence 词义缺乏对应 Plumber 形成于“五角大楼文件”泄密事件后白宫设立的专门特工机构。Plumber原意“铅管工”,用以指特工,系借用“铅管工”堵漏、防漏之含