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Linear Temporal Logic Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) LTL Notes Invented by Prior (1960’s), and first use to reason about concurrent systems by A. Pnueli, Z. Manna, etc. LTL model-checkers are usually explicit-state checkers due to connection between LTL and automata theory Most popular LTL-based checker is Spin (G. Holzman) Computational Tree Logic (CTL) Computational Tree Logic (CTL) Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Computation Tree Logic Example CTL Specifications For any state, a request (for some resource) will eventually be acknowledged CTL Notes Invented by E. Clarke and E. A. Emerson (early 1980’s) Specification language for Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV) model-checker SMV is a symbolic model-checker instead of an explicit-state model-checker Symbolic model-checking uses Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) to represent boolean functions (both transition system and specification Comparing LTL and CTL Motivation for Specification Patterns Temporal properties are not always easy to write Clearly many specifications can be captured in both CTL and LTL Pattern Hierarchy Occurrence Patterns Order Patterns Pattern Scopes The Response Pattern The Response Pattern (continued) Specify Patterns in Bandera Evaluation 555 TL specs collected from at least 35 different sources 511 (92%) matched one of the patterns Of the matches... Response: 245 (48%) Universality: 119 (23%) Absence: 85 (17%) Questions Do patterns facilitate the learning of specification formalisms like CTL and LTL? Do patterns allow specifications to be written more quickly? Are the specifications generated from patterns more likely to be correct? Does the use of the pattern system lead people to write more expressive specifications? For more information... Reason in terms of linear traces instead of branching trees Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Prof


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