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A Walk In The Clouds script
- We did it! - Good luck, soldier.
- When did you last see her? - Our wedding day, four years ago.
Met her on Friday, married her on Sunday, left on Monday?
- Pretty much. - Me too. Aint war hell?
- I bet we dont recognize them. - Id recognize her anywhere.
I find the pheasant to be quite pleasant.
I find the pheasant to be quite pleasant.
How do you find the wine?
- I find the wine extraordinarily... - Betty?
- I prefer to dine at home, alone. - Paul?
- When you werent on the dock... - I didnt know!
Didnt you get my letters?
I started to read them, I did. But after the first few...
...I couldnt bear to hear about the fighting and killing...
- I wrote you almost every day. - I know, and I kept them. Look.
Even the thought of you in all that danger, it was too much.
I knew if I got them, you were alive. Thats all I cared about.
That you were alive.
Safe. Thats all that was important to me.
Can you forgive me?
Yeah. Sure.
- I wrote to you. Did you get those? - I got a few.
I told you I wasnt a big writer.
Its a course Im taking. Self-improvement.
His name is Armisted. Hes rich.
The whole countrys making money.
Youve been away, you dont know. But you will.
I saw Mr. Sweeney to make sure he held your job. You can start anytime!
Just make sure you wear your uniform. Who could resist a war hero?
Of course, I negotiated a raise.
Betty, I dont want to go back to selling chocolate.
Youve got something better?
No, I dont.
But you know...
...in the war, I had time to think about whats important.
About what I want out of life. For me. For us.
- I wrote you all this. - Are we back to those letters again?
You want me to read the letters?
No. Its just youd understand what Im feeling, what I want.
...tell me what you want.
- I thought some time... - Times money.
I want things, Paulie.
My whole life
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