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English Review Translate: Unit1: 1. 任何年满十八周岁的人都有资格投票。 Anyone who reaches the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。 Before the beginning of each term, the application forms for scholarship are distributed to every student by the school. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。 On the advice of the doctor, I decided to give up smoking.(quit) 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。 The park is located right in the center of the county. 5. 这所大学为我们提供了所有材料和设备。 This college provides us with all materials and facilities we need. 6. 鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家,同时也是世界杰出文人之一。 Lu Xun is one of the greatest writer in China and one of the world’s outstanding men of leters. 7. 大部分研究生选择了文学作为其研究领域,其余的选择了语言学。 Most graduate students chose literature as their field of study, and the rest made linguistics their choice. 8. 人们购买什么样的户型居住是根据各自特殊需要和相关专家建议。 People buy what kind of houses to live in on the basis of their special needs and the advice of relevant experts. 9. 这些虚拟教学设施能使亚非学生在一个真实的情景中学习外语至少3个月。 This virtual teaching facilities enable overseas students form Asia and Africa to learn a foreign language in a real-life situation for a minimum of three months. 10. 学生在作出决定前应该认真核查他们是否有资格加入这一俱乐部,因为他们每个人只有一次选择机会。 Student should check carefully that they are eligible to join this club before making their decision , as each of them is restricted to only one choice. Unit2 警察正在忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。 The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 我想在还车之前把油箱加满。 I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car. 如果你要投诉,最好准循正确的程序。 If you want to make a complaint , you’d better follow the correct procedure. 要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。 We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急的有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。 After the storm , the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sight of the boat. 6. 那时他刚刚被提升为公司副总裁不久,所以他并没有期待六个月内还会有升职。 He has just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasn’t expecting another promotion in six months. 7. 大学毕业不久他就找到一份满意的工作。 S


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