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约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton),出生于一个富裕的清教徒家庭,在剑桥大学求学时和毕业后一个时期,钻研古代和文艺复兴时期文学,深受人文主义思想熏陶。1638年他旅行意大利,访问过关在狱里的伽利略,并和意大利的文人学者交往。 Paradise Lost 失乐园 John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 Nine times the space that measures day and night 依照人间的计算,大约九天九夜, To mortal men, he with his horrid crew 他和他那一伙可怕的徒众 Lay?vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf 沉沦辗转在烈火的深渊中 Confounded though immortal: But his doom 虽属不死之身,却象死者一样横陈; Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought 但这个刑罚反激起他更大的忿怒, Both of lost happiness and?lasting?pain 既失去了幸福,又受无尽痛苦的煎熬。 Torments(折磨) him; round he throws his?baleful?eyes 他抬起忧虑的双眼,环视周遭, That witnessed huge?affliction?and dismay 摆在眼前的是莫大的隐忧和烦恼, Mixed with?obdurate?pride?and?steadfast?hate: 顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。 At once as far as angels ken he views 霎时间,他竭尽天使的目力,望断 The?dismal?situation waste and wild, 际涯,但见被风弥漫,浩渺无限, A dungeon horrible, on all sides round 四面八方围着他的是个可怕的地牢, As one great?furnace?flamed, yet from those flames 象一个洪炉的烈火四射,但那火焰 No light, but rather darkness visible 却不发光,只是灰蒙蒙的一片, Served only to discover sights of woe 可以辨认出那儿的苦难景况, Regions of sorrow,?doleful?shades, where peace 悲惨的境地和凄怆的暗影。 And rest can never dwell, hope never comes 和平和安息决不在那儿停留, That comes to all; but torture without end 希望无所不到,唯独不到那里。 Still urges, and a fiery?deluge, fed 只有无穷无尽的苦难紧紧跟着 With ever-burning sulphur unconsumed: 永燃的硫磺不断的添注,不灭的火焰,洪水般向他们滚滚逼来。 Such place?Eternal?Justice had prepared 这个地方,就是正义之神为那些 For those rebellious, here their prison ordained 叛逆者准备的,在天外的冥荒中 In?utter?darkness, and their?portion?set 为他们设置的牢狱,那个地方 As far removed from God and light of Heaven 离开天神和天界的亮光 As from the Center thrice to th utmost?pole. 相当于天极到中心的三倍那么远。 1639年,英国革命形势紧张,他回国参加反对国王和国教的斗争。他因基佬过度,双目失明,但仍坚持斗争。王朝复辟后,他受到迫害,著作被禁毁,生活极其窘迫。就在这个时期,他完成了散步杰作;《失乐园》,《复乐园》和《力士参孙》。 Paradise Lost 失乐园 John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 O how unlike the place from whence they?fell! 啊,这里和他所从坠落的地方比起来是何等的不同呀! There the companions of his fall, oerwhelmed 和他一起坠落的伙伴们 With floods and whirlwinds of?tempestuous?fire, 淹没在猛火的洪流和旋风之中, He soon discerns, and weltering by his side 他辨认得出,在他近旁挣扎


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