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奥巴马在美中战略与经济对话上致辞全文(英中对照) (2009-07-29 07:55:31) 7月27日,美中战略与经济对话(U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue)首次会议在美国首都华盛顿开幕,美国总统奥巴马致辞。以下是白宫新闻秘书办公室于当日发布的奥巴马总统开幕词全文,中文文本由美国国务院国际信息局翻译。? Thank you.? Good morning.? It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.? This is an essential step in advancing a positive, constructive, and comprehensive relationship between our countries.? Im pleased that President Hu shares my commitment to a sustained dialogue to enhance our shared interests. 谢谢各位。早上好。能够在此欢迎你们前来参加美中战略与经济对话首次会议,我深感荣幸。这是推动两国积极、建设性、全面关系的极其重要的步骤。胡锦涛主席同我一样致力于为增进两国的共同利益而开展持续对话,我对此感到高兴。 President Hu and I both felt that it was important to get our relationship off to a good start.? Of course, as a new President and also as a basketball fan, I have learned from the words of Yao Ming, who said, No matter whether you are new or an old team member, you need time to adjust to one another.? Well, through the constructive meetings that weve already had, and through this dialogue, Im confident that we will meet Yaos standard. 胡主席和我都认为两国关系有一个良好的开端很重要。当然,作为一位新任总统和篮球迷,我从姚明说过的话中受到启示,他说:“无论你是新队员还是老队员,你都需要时间相互适应。”通过我们已经举行的建设性会晤和这项对话,我深信我们能够达到姚明提出的标准。 I want to acknowledge the remarkable American and Chinese leaders who will co-chair this effort.? Hillary Clinton and Tim Geithner are two of my closest advisors, and they have both obtained extraordinary experience working with China.? And I know that they will have extremely capable and committed Chinese counterparts in State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang.? Thank you very much for being here. 我来介绍一下将共同主持这一对话的美中两国卓越的领导人。希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和蒂姆·盖特纳(Tim Geithner)是与我接触最密切的顾问中的两位,他们在与中国合作方面都有非凡的经验。我知道他们的对话伙伴王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员也是能力超凡并坚定地致力于对话。 Im also looking forward to the confirmation of an outstanding U.S. Ambassador to China, Governor Jon Huntsman, who is here today.? (Applause.)? Jon has deep experience living and working in Asia, and -- unlike me -- he


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