【留学人才网】10大刁钻面试问题及Sample Answer.docx

【留学人才网】10大刁钻面试问题及Sample Answer.docx

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【留学人才网】10大刁钻面试问题及Sample AnswerSome job interviewers ask tough questions to trip you up or to get you to reveal information you may be trying to conceal. Others want to get a better sense of your thought process or see how you respond under pressure.?有些工作面试官会提出尖锐的问题,鸡蛋里挑骨头,或者想要从你口中套出你可能试图隐藏的信息。另外的面试官则是想要更好地了解你的思维过程或看你如何应对压力。?Whatever the reason, you ll want to be prepared.In her book 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions, Vicky Oliver says in order to prevail, you need to trounce your competition.不管原因是什么,你都要做好准备。薇姬-奥利弗(Vicky Oliver)在她所写的《尖钻面试问题的301个机智回答:》一书中说,为了获胜,你需要“打败你的竞争对手。”?You could be competing against someone with three times your experience, or conversely, against someone who can do the job at half your salary level, she says.?“你的竞争对手可能有你三倍多的经验,或相反,他的工作能力也许只够得上你工资水平的一半。”她说。?One of the best ways to stand out: have the smartest answers to the toughest questions.脱颖而出的最好方法之一:用最聪明的回答去应对最棘手的问题。?1. Q: You majored in philosophy. How did that prepare you for this career??问:你的专业是哲学,那么你哲学对你的职业生涯有什么样的帮助??A: Philosophy didn t prepare me for a career in architecture at all. But it did force me to become philosophical about my prospects. After two years of trying to figure out what to do with my life, I visited Chicago one weekend, and was absolutely spell bound by the gorgeous architecture all around me.?答:哲学本身并没有对我的建筑事业起到帮助,但却是哲学使我对自己的未来冷静规划。我用了两年,试图弄清楚自己要怎样生活,有一次周末我参观了芝加哥,于是我被身边华丽的建筑迷倒了。I came home, applied to architecture schools all over the country, and was accepted by one of the best. I ve never looked back…this is definitely the career that I was meant to be in.?我回到家,就开始在全国各地申请建筑学校,最终被最好的的建筑学校之一录取了。我从来不会回头后悔……我肯定建筑就是我注定的职业。 1. Q:2. Q: What if you work here for five years and don t get promoted? Many of our employees don t. Won t you find it frustrating?问:如果你在这里工作五年还没有升职,我们许多的员工都是这样的,你会不会感到沮丧??A: I consider myself ambitious, but I m also practical. As long as I am continuing to learn and grow within my position, I ll be a happy camper. Different companies p


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