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?Moulin Rouge Screenplay 1 - A Boy to Paris in 1900 ? [A theatre. A red velvet curtain framed by a gilt proscenium arch fills the screen. SATIE stands in front of the curtain and raises his arms to conduct the ORCHESTRA. They strike up the Twentieth Century Fox theme music as the curtain opens to reveal the Twentieth Century Fox logo. As the music finishes, the curtains close. As the ORCHESTRA strikes up “The Sound of Music”, the curtains open again, to reveal silent-film-era title cards, lit from behind, with a windmill logo at the top.] ? [Title card: Twentieth Century Fox presents] [Title card: A Bazmark production] [The ORCHESTRA segues into the “Can-can”.] [Title card: Moulin Rouge! Behind the words, shadows of a can-can dancer and top hats bobbing.] [The music stops, then begins again with a haunting tune. Push in so the title card fills the screen.] [Title card: Paris, 1900.] [Sepia-toned. TOULOUSE, dressed in his magical sitar costume, stands on the roof of the Moulin Rouge windmill and sings.] ? ? TOULOUSE: There was a boy, A very strange enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far. . . ? [Paris cityscape. As TOULOUSE continues off-screen, push in over the rooftops and down towards the gate to Montmartre.] ? TOULOUSE: Over land and sea. A little shy. . . ? [A PRIEST stands by the gate, Bible in hand and intones over TOULOUSE’s singing:] ? PRIEST: Turn away from this village of sin, for it is a veritable Sodom and Gomorrah. ? TOULOUSE: . . .And sad of eye. . . ? [Continue through the gates of Montmartre, past PROSTITUTES and DRUNKS.] ? TOULOUSE: . . .But very wise was he. . . ? [Push up towards a garret, with a large red sign over the window: L’Amour.] ? TOULOUSE: . . .And then one day. . . ? [Through the window into a dark, dirty little room littered with papers and bottles. Crouched in a corner, head in his arms, clutching a bottle, is our hero, CHRISTIAN, a young man sunk in the depths of despair.] ? TOULOUSE: . . .One magic day, He passed my


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