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绯闻女孩第五季第17集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode17八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.你不该把那段录像发给八卦天后You shouldnt have sent that video in to Gossip Girl.不是我做的I didnt do it.如果你没做我没做If you didnt do it and I didnt,谁会做呢then who did?我当然爱你恰克我一直都爱你Of course I love you, Chuck. Ive always loved you.汉弗瑞你个混蛋Humphrey, you bastard.你和你的家人就得为后果买单You and your family will quite literally pay the consequences.难道你忘了嫁妆吗Or did you forget about the dowry?如果她不履行婚约嫁妆就由你们承担If she defaults on the marriage, the dowry can be reinstated.你不需要跟他走You do not have to go with him.只是一年不是很长对吧Its just a year. Its not that long, right?这是艾斯我的皇家看护This is Estee, A.K.A. my royal minder,不过为了省事我一直叫她跟屁虫but Ive just been calling her creeper for short.我的确对丹有感觉我很抱歉I do have feelings for Dan. Im sorry.我知道这对我来说不会很容易This isnt gonna be easy for me,但至少你我坦诚相待了but at least youre being honest.我不会成为你和丹的阻碍I dont want to get in the way of you and Dan.我们得把她送去医院I think we need to get her to the hospital.请和我在一起Please stay with me.你是唯一一个能让我有安全感的人Youre the only person I feel safe with.我不会离开你的我保证I wont leave you. I promise.妈妈Oh! Mother?查莉你在这儿干吗Charlie, what are you doing here?她这几个月一直都陪着罗兹女士Shes been with Ms. Rhodes for months.她起到了很大的宽慰作用Shes been such a solace to her.妈Mom?你为什么说她是你女儿Why did you introduce this girl as your daughter?她到底是谁 -艾薇·狄更斯 Who is she? - Ivy Dickens.你妈雇我当她的女儿Your mom hired me to be you.你为了钱居然隐瞒了整个家族的事You hid an entire family from me for money?我不想一个人我能跟你待在一起吗I dont really wanna be alone. Can I stay with you?我们已经尽力了Theres nothing we can do.你们得进去和她道别了You need to go in and say your good-byes.人们常说秘密都应该带到坟墓里去They say we should carry our secrets to the grave.但在上东区But on the upper east side,秘密却是永远无法被埋藏的secrets are the one thing you can never bury.即便是那些我们自以为知根知底的人Even when we think we know everything about the ones we love,也有不为人知的一面theres always a skeleton in their walk-in closet.谢谢你能临时为我安排会面Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.汉弗瑞太太我们这行很少有提前预约M


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