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绯闻女孩第五季第6集 Gossip Girl Season5 Episode 6剧本台词八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.《局外人》我想要这本书的电影版权I want the movie rights to this book,鉴于你是作者的好朋友and since youre good friends with the author,这应该不成问题吧that shouldnt be a problem.我们俩现在关系可不怎么好Uh, were not exactly on good terms right now.我告诉亚历山德拉我要把电影版权给你了I told Alessandra that Im giving you the book rights.我有一个条件I do have one condition.剧本要由我来写I want to write the screenplay.这是什么What are those?我前夫巴特请私人侦探My late husband Bart had his investigator调查了我们全家research our whole family.在那保险箱里有秘密我亲眼看到了Theres a story in that safe. I saw it myself.我要把这些还给你I want to return these to you.你不会再用了吧And...youre not gonna use them ever?这里面有用的东西《八卦天后》都已经爆过了Anything of value in these was already on Gossip girl.伊丽莎·巴恩斯医生Dr. Eliza Barnes.你看起来需要谈谈You look like you need to talk.确实I do.你从未有过童年You never had a childhood,所以你的行为极端像个孩子so you behave like a child in the worst ways.你那浅显的人际关系和缺失的真实感Your superficial connections and lack of authentic emotion让你与世隔离独享孤独leave you isolated and alone.为了一个你不该信任的未婚妻Throwing away your loyal family抛弃你的皇室家族for a fiancee you shouldnt trust.你真的相信她没有其他的秘密吗Do you really believe she has no other secrets?我永远都不会骗你你知道的I would never lie to you. You know that.我永远都无法了解你I never know with you.我有个问题希望你可以帮我I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with.布莱尔·霍尔道夫个人私密信件我想和你见面详谈Id like to meet so I could tell you more in person.十二分迫切地希望跟你预约时间Im more than willing to pay for your time.人们都说人生之路漫长而又曲折They say the road of life is long and winding,所以沿途设下里程碑十分重要so its important to mark the milestones along your way,首先从挑选伴娘做起from picking your bridesmaids...这么多小跟班So many minions.你打算怎么选How you ever going to decide?早餐后就开始选拔赛Tryouts begin after breakfast.好了把吧台放在前面All right, lets put the bar up front,DJ在后面the D.J. in back, and the caterers工作人员坐在一边can sit up in the bullpen把这些包装箱扔出去and we toss out those moving boxes.内特我能在你的任务清单上加一项吗Nate, can I add one more thing to your to-do


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