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ANNE OF GREEN GABLES By Lucy Maud Montgomery Contents ANNE OF GREEN GABLES CHAPTER I. Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised CHAPTER II. Matthew Cuthbert is surprised CHAPTER III. Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised CHAPTER IV. Morning at Green Gables CHAPTER V. Annes History CHAPTER VI. Marilla Makes Up Her Mind CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers CHAPTER VIII. Annes Bringing-up Is Begun CHAPTER IX. Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified CHAPTER X. Annes Apology CHAPTER XI. Annes Impressions of Sunday-School CHAPTER XII. A Solemn Vow and Promise CHAPTER XIII. The Delights of Anticipation CHAPTER XIV. Annes Confession CHAPTER XV. A Tempest in the School Teapot CHAPTER XVI. Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results CHAPTER XVII. A New Interest in Life CHAPTER XVIII. Anne to the Rescue CHAPTER XIX. A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession CHAPTER XX. A Good Imagination Gone Wrong CHAPTER XXI. A New Departure in Flavorings CHAPTER XXII. Anne is Invited Out to Tea CHAPTER XXIII. Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor CHAPTER XXIV. Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert CHAPTER XXV. Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves CHAPTER XXVI. The Story Club Is Formed CHAPTER XXVII. Vanity and Vexation of Spirit CHAPTER XXVIII. An Unfortunate Lily Maid CHAPTER XXIX. An Epoch in Annes Life CHAPTER XXX. The Queens Class Is Organized CHAPTER XXXI. Where the Brook and River Meet CHAPTER XXXII. The Pass List Is Out CHAPTER XXXIII. The Hotel Concert CHAPTER XXXIV. A Queens Girl CHAPTER XXXV. The Winter at Queens CHAPTER XXXVI. The Glory and the Dream CHAPTER XXXVII. The Reaper Whose Name Is Death CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Bend in the road ANNE OF GREEN GABLES CHAPTER I. Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook that


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