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1 00:00:03,880 -- 00:00:07,500 长城始建于中国汉代 The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese 2 00:00:07,990 -- 00:00:12,000 为了抵御来自北方的游牧民族而建 to keep out the nomadic tribes from the north 3 00:00:14,200 -- 00:00:16,800 当时把这些游牧民族称为戎狄 They called these people barbarians 4 00:00:16,999 -- 00:00:19,100 并且认为他们的土地贫瘠且 and their lands were considered barren 5 00:00:19,300 -- 00:00:21,000 不适宜人类生息 and uninhabitable 6 00:00:23,400 -- 00:00:26,100 中国的北方确实是一个笼罩在严酷寒冬之中的 Northern China is indeed a harsh place 7 00:00:26,300 -- 00:00:28,000 艰辛之地 of terrible winters 8 00:00:29,000 -- 00:00:30,600 无情的夏天 ferocious summers 9 00:00:31,880 -- 00:00:33,000 严酷的沙漠 harsh deserts 10 00:00:36,500 -- 00:00:38,500 但是这块多彩多姿的土地 But it is far from lifeless 11 00:00:43,000 -- 00:00:44,400 却充满了勃勃生机 With colorful places 12 00:00:46,000 -- 00:00:47,600 有着令人惊讶生物 surprising creatures 13 00:00:55,000 -- 00:00:56,200 奇风异俗的人民 amazing people 14 00:01:00,500 -- 00:01:02,500 以及独特的景致 and strange landscapes 15 00:01:09,600 -- 00:01:13,600 旅途越发深入 景致越发精彩 The further we travel, the more extreme it becomes 16 00:01:18,400 -- 00:01:21,100 长城以北的人民与野生生命 So how do people and wildlife cope 17 00:01:21,800 -- 00:01:26,000 是如何应对艰苦的自然环境和种种生存挑战 with hardships and challenges of life beyond the Wall 18 00:01:26,600 -- 00:01:35,601 仅以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国 For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland 19 00:01:36,601 -- 00:01:42,001 本字幕仅供学习交流 禁止任何商业用途 请在下载后24小时内删除 20 00:01:43,000-- 00:01:51,602 VCTT荣誉出品 VCTT proundly presents 21 00:01:54,900 -- 00:01:56,700 长城是中国古代 The northern limits of ancient China 22 00:01:56,760 -- 00:01:58,500 北部的边界 were defined by the Great Wall 23 00:01:59,000 -- 00:02:03,300 自东蜿蜒向西约5000公里 which meanders for nearly 5000km from east to west 24 00:02:08,700 -- 00:02:11,000 当时定居于中原地带的汉族人 The settled Han people of the Chinese heartland 25 00:02:11,100 -- 00:02:13,900 常常被被来自于北方的 were invaded many times by warlike tribes 26 00:02:14,000 -- 00:02:15,000 游牧部落所侵略



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