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N O T T I N G H I L L Screenplay by Richard Curtis Title EXT. VARIOUS DAYS She plays through the credits. Exquisite footage of Anna Scott -- the great movie star of our time -- an ideal -- the perfect star and woman -- her life full of glamour and sophistication and mystery. EXT. STREET - DAY Mix through to William, 35, relaxed, pleasant, informal. We follow him as he walks down Portobello Road, carrying a load of bread. It is spring. WILLIAM (V.O.) Of course, Ive seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous -- but, you know, million miles from the world I live in. Which is here -- Notting Hill -- not a bad place to be... EXT. PORTOBELLO ROAD - DAY Its a full fruit market day. WILLIAM (V.O.) Theres the market on weekdays, selling every fruit and vegetable known to man... EXT. PORTOBELLO ROAD - DAY A man in denims exits the tattoo studio. WILLIAM (V.O.) The tattoo parlour -- with a guy outside who got drunk and now cant remember why he chose I Love Ken... EXT. PORTOBELLO ROAD - DAY WILLIAM (V.O.) The racial hair-dressers where everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster, whether they like it or not... Sure enough, a girl exits with a huge threaded blue bouffant. EXT. PORTOBELLO ROAD - SATURDAY WILLIAM (V.O.) Then suddenly its the weekend, and from break of day, hundreds of stalls appears out of nowhere, filling Portobello Road right up to Notting Hill Gate... A frantic crowded Portobello market. WILLIAM (V.O.) ... and thousands of people buy millions of antiques, some genuine... The camera finally settles on a stall selling beautiful stained glass windows of various sizes, some featuring biblical scenes and saints. WILLIAM (V.O.) ... and some not so genuine. EXT. GOLBORNE ROAD - DAY WI


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