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英汉翻译技巧练习I Part I An Overall Introduction of Translation Skills I 英汉两种语言对比 所属语系与发展历史 英语-印欧语系 汉语-汉藏语系 语音 语言的本质 英语-综合性语言 汉语-分析性语言 句法现象 II 英汉两种文化差异 同一民族中亦存在文化差异: 蛤蟆 naughty 叩手 点心 英汉文化间的差异 思想观念、心理特征 龙—dragon 鹤—crane 表达方式、审美情趣 “愤怒出诗人”—“止怒莫若诗” “十里蛙声不断,九溪曲流潺潺”—“You can hear frog’s continuous crying in ten miles and can enjoy the babbling of the winding streams.” 对文化词语和表达的处理 文化词语,指的是充满汉语文化个性和特殊内涵的语言。 直译法 丢脸—to lose face/ to be disgraced 纸老虎—paper tiger/ scarecrow 骑虎难下—to ride a tiger/ in chancery 猫哭老鼠—cats crying for the death of rats/ to shed crocodile tears 直译加补充信息法 下海 铁饭碗 跳槽 父母官 待业青年 酒囊饭袋 清明节 释义法 望子成龙 和番 金三角 两手抓,两手都要硬 同(近)义表达借用法 得寸进尺—Give him an inch, and he’ll take an ell. 好聚好散—Merry meet, merry part. 贪多嚼不烂—to bite off more than one can chew 皇天不负有心人—Heaven helps those who help themselves. 水中捞月—to fish in the air 象只落汤鸡—like a drowned rat 回译法 忍者神龟—Ninja Turtles 画王电视—big screen Panasonic 米字旗—Union Jack flag 中国菜馆—chopsuey house III 常见错误及解决方法 不要生搬硬套汉语构词模式 车、毛、鱼、核、皮、桌 False friends (假朋友) 休息室—restroom 药店—drugstore 白手—white-handed 食言—eat one’s words 茶叶店—tea-shop 蛇皮袋—snake skin bag 隐含意义的分析 倔强: intractable, mulish statesman, politician 他们热情照顾残疾客人。 They took good care of disabled guests. 我这位朋友很健谈。 My friend is very talkative. VI 解释性翻译 镶补,减肥,重组  Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays—《天演论》 Honeymoon—蜜月者,西人娶妇时,即挟其游历,经月而返。《黑奴吁天录》Uncle Tom’s Cabin Cashmere—御长裙,仙仙然描画不能肖。《茶花女》 V 参考字典 1.《英汉大词典》 陆谷孙主编 上海译文出版社 2.《汉英大辞典》 吴光华主编 上海交通大学出版社 Part II Translation Practice 一、准确理解词义: I 根据上下文辩明词义: Work: He is working in the factory. He is working a machine. He is working at English. The ship is working eastward. The gears work smoothly. My watch doesn’t work. The screw worked loose. Will these methods work? The yeast has begun to work. Electric computers work quickly and accurately. Hand: Soams shook her hand and went downstairs. He never read a book in his life and still writes a schoolboy hand. It would be like trying to make the hands of cl


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