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On the Rise and Fall of Great Britain 中文摘要: 英国大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的。,一个漂泊在大西洋上的小岛,曾经在世界历史发展的漫长时期中湮没无闻,人口不过数百万,国土资源也很有限,却率先敲开通向现代世界的大门,从地理的边缘变成了世界的中心,一跃成为西方强国的领头人,并独领风骚数百年,给人类文明烙上了不可磨灭的印记。然而到了十九世纪末期,由于美、德等国的崛起以及其他种种原因,英国逐渐失去优势,后来又在第二次世界大战中受到严重创伤,大英帝国国力日渐衰落,海外殖民地也在二战后纷纷宣告独立,大英帝国逐渐演变成一个组织松散的英联邦。这个曾经号称“世界工厂”和“日不落帝国”的国家又逐渐衰落,回归到欧洲,回归到欧洲的版图之内,回归到大西洋中的那个小岛。 关键词:世界工厂帝国 Abstract in English: Great Britain, also know as The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. The British system of government is known as constitutional monarchy and the government is located in its capital city London. Lying in the British Isles to the northwest of Continental Europe, Britain was surrounded by the North Sea, the British Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with a mild and moist climate.It, a small island which lies in the Atlantic Ocean, was once little-known in the long history of the development of the world and had only several millions of people. What more, her territorial resources were also limited. However, she is the first country to open the door to the modern world ranging from the geographical edge to the center of the world. She had once been the leading power of the western countries for hundreds of years and also branded an indelible mark on the human civilization. However, in the late 19th century, with the rise of America and German and other factors, Britain began to lose the upper hand in the international competition. Afterwards, she suffered great loss in the two world wars. Britain began declining and the foreign colonies began to win independence one after another. The great Britain Empire became a loose federal country and Britain which was once known as the workshop of the world and an empire in which the sun does not set began declining gradually and returned to Europe, the European territory,the island in the Atlantic Ocean. Key words: Agricultura


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