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英语听力入门 step by step 2000 第三册unit1(原文)_英语听说_新浪博客 Unit 1 World News Up in Space Part I Warming up 1. Endeavor has docked with the ISS. What for? To provide electricity for science experiments When will the U.S. laboratory arrive? Next month 2. What does ISS have now? A living room and a command center 3. What has been declared by NASA? Pathfinders 30-day mission on Mars is a 100 percent success. 4. Who has given up its hope of reviving Pathfinder? NASA When did Pathfinder make its last transmission of scientific data from Mars? At the end of September, 83 days after its landing 5. Why is Galileo heading for another pass by Jupiters moon IO on Thursday? To get a closer look at the most volcanic body in solar system 6. What is the daunting task for the crew of Atlantis? To deliver NASAs $1.4 billion space lab Destiny to the International Space Station 7. What is the purpose of the experiments conducted by astronauts on Columbia? To confirm a theory that particles in space tend to attract each other and form dust clouds 8. What is Endeavor preparing to do on Monday? To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope 9. Why has Columbia returned to Earth after an abbreviated stay in space? Because of a mechanical problem 10. What is Discovery doing now? And its crew? Discovery is playing chase with the Hubble Telescope now. Its crew is setting up housekeeping and recovering from the effects of weightlessness. Tapescript: 1. U.S. space shuttle Endeavor has docked with the International Space Station, bearing a gift of energy. The five-man shuttle team arrived to add a set of giant solar power panels to Unity to provide electricity for science experiments that will begin soon after the U.S. laboratory arrives next month. 2. The International Space Station finally has a living room and a command center. The Russian Zvezda module docked earlier today with the fledgling outpost, which is being assembled in space. After a che


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