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Unit 1 Multiple-choices What integrated the Celtic, Germanic and Slavic cultures with the Roman culture into Western culture? 什么集成凯尔特,日耳曼和斯拉夫文化,罗马文化西方文化吗?he acceptance of Christianity. B. Greece under Alexander. C. Latin language. D. The fall of Greece 2. Which of the following classical styles is built with a spiral scroll-like capital螺旋像卷轴一般的? A. the Doric column B. the Ionic column 埃尔尼克式圆柱 Corinthian column D. the Tuscan column 3. Which of the following capitals is not of Greek style? A. the Doric多立克式 columnIonic column C. the Corinthian科林斯托斯卡纳凯尔特“the Cradle of Western Civilization”西方文明的摇篮 and taken to the island of Crete, where she gave birth to Minos. A. Alcmene B. Dana? C. Europa欧罗巴(腓尼基王阿革诺耳之女included in “the West”. 3. The first Greek civilization arose from the old city of Mycenae. the island of Crete Match Caryatid 女像柱an architectural column taking the form of a standing female figure Nike-------Ancient Greek Goddess of Victory Aphrodite(阿佛洛狄特(司爱与美之女神)Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation Terra( 特拉(大地女神)Earth Mother in Roman Mythology Unit 2 Multiple-choices 1. What fruit had Persephone珀尔塞福涅(宙斯之女,被冥王劫持娶作冥后) been tempted to taste during her stay in (with) Hades?A. apple B. grape C. pomegranate 石榴Agamemnon, the king of ______, was elected commander in chief of all the combined Greek forces that attacked Troy. 阿伽门农(特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅)described a journey home. A. Prometheus Unbound B. The Iliad C. Agamemnon D. The Odyssey 奥德赛佩内洛普(女子名);Odysseus的忠实妻子mythology, who showed great loyalty to her husband. 5. ______ is usually assumed to have been the legendary home of Odysseus( 奥德修斯(荷马史诗《奥德赛》中的主人公; 曾指挥特洛伊战争, 献木马计,使希腊获胜)from Homer’s Odyssey. A. Ithaca 伊萨卡岛(希腊西部爱奥尼亚海中群岛之一) 埃斯库罗斯(希腊的诗人及悲剧作家)阿里斯托芬(古希腊早期喜剧代表作家、诗人)被缚的普罗米修斯(书名)索福克勒斯(古希腊悲剧诗人)欧里庇得斯(希腊的悲剧诗人)Andromache D. Antigone 11. Democracy民主政治 began in Sparta D. Mycenae 12. Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5


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