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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:论营口地区失业压力下的经济增长 设计(论文)完成日期 2010 年 06 月 12 日 学 生 姓 名:**** 专 业:国际经济与贸易 班 级-学 号:国贸 指 导 教 师:*** 评 阅 人:*** 2010年 06 月12 日 摘 要 经济增长和失业是宏观经济学研究的两大主要领域,是宏观经济学中最为重要的三个方面之二。近些年我国的经济一直保持较高增长率,与此相伴随的是我国高失业率问题。奥肯定律曾指出经济增长与失业率二者之间存在呈反方向变化的关系。但近几年,营口地区却出现了高经济增长与高失业率并存的现象。面对这一特殊的现象,只有依照营口地区自身的情况进行分析和研究,不可直接借鉴以前的经济学理论。 故本文从营口地区的就业和经济增长的实际情况入手,选取了营口地区2000年至2008年的数据进行整理和分析,通过对图表的分析试图说明营口地区在高失业压力下的高经济增长现象。并且根据分析所得的原因提出了六点解决问题的建议。 本文从结构上分为四个部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分,主要阐明了失业率与经济增长的相关理论,及其二者的关系。 第二部分,主要阐述营口地区高失业与高经济增长的现状。 第三部分,主要对营口地区高失业与高增长的内在关联进行实证分析,并得出结论。第四部分,提出降低营口地区失业率提高经济增长的建议。 关键词:经济增长;失业;GDP;营口地区 Abstract Economic growth and unemployment are the two major areas of macro-economic study , the most important of macroeconomics three aspects. In recent years, Chinas economic growth has been keeping high, and accompanied by our high unemployment problems. Okuns law once said that economic growth and unemployment is between changes in the opposite direction. However, in recent years , Yingkou district has appeared high economic growth and high unemployment coexisting phenomenon. Facing this special phenomenon, only according to the circumstance of oneself soils in Yingkou district are analyzed and studied, not directly from the previous economic theory. Therefore,this paper from the soils in Yingkou district employment and economic growth of the actual situation, select the soils in Yingkou district 2000-2008 data collection and analysis. Through the analysis of the chart attempts to explain the phenomenon of Yingkou region’s high economic growth under high unemployment pressure. According to the analysis of the reasons and puts forward six suggestions to solve the problem. In this paper, the structure is divided into four parts, the main contents are follows: The first part, to clarify that the related theories of the unemployment rate and economic growth, and their relationship. The second part, focu


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