邱文怡 The source of life ---Water .doc

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Resource utilization and environmental protection The source of life ---Water As a saying goes , “Water is the source of life.” Therefore , water is so significant that we can’t live without it .However ,the fact is always making people worried because water pollution and water shortage can be easily seen everywhere ,which even threaten our life and production . 资源利用与环境保护之 生命之源—水 常言道;“水是生命之源。”因此说,水是如此的重要以至于如果没有水,我们将不能存活。但是,事实总是让人担忧,因为水污染和水资源短缺到处可以见到,这些问题甚至威胁到我们的生活和生产。 For instance , many residents discharge the waste water everywhere optionally in their daily life ,which is one of the reasons for water pollution . In addition ,with the development of technology ,a diversity of chemical fertilizer and pesticides have been produced to protect the crops from injurious insects .It’s because famers abuse the chemical fertilizer and pesticides that water in the fields and rivers are polluted badly .But the one should be blame most for the water pollution is industrial production .Motivating by the economic profit ,an increasing number of manufactures let the industrial waste water out into the rivers and sewages in a large scale secretly and consequently ,the quality of water resource became poor with a large margin .In the eyes of the manufactures ,protecting water resource passes for a joke and making more money is what really they want .Thus ,we can clearly draw a conclusion that water pollution is really a terrible problem with which we faced now and in the future . 例如,人们在日常生活中随意排放生活污水。这也是造成水污染的原因之一。另外,随着技术的发展,各种各样的化肥和农药被生产出来,农民用它们来抵御害虫以保护庄稼。但是,水污染的罪魁祸首还是工业生产。许多商家在经济利益的驱动下,偷偷地把大量的工业废水排到河里和下水道。在他们眼里,保护水资源被当做儿戏,赚钱才是王道。因此,我们可以清晰地得出这样一个结论:水污染是我们现在乃至以后都要面临的严峻的问题。 However, water shortage is a worrying problem as well .It was reported that a large scale of fields were faced with drought in the southwest and North China in spring , which has brought enormous loss to the development of Chain’s economy . And the professors pointed out that the reasons for this are


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