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第四章离婚Chapter IV Divorce第三十一条男女双方自愿离婚的,准予离婚。双方必须到婚姻登记机关申请离婚。婚姻登记机关查明双方确实是自愿并对子女和财产问题已有适当处理时,发给离婚证。Article 31 Divorce shall be granted if husband and wife both desire it. Both parties shall apply to the marriage registration1 office for divorce. The marriage registration office, after clearly establishing that divorce is desired by both parties and that appropriate arrangements have been made for the care of any children and the disposition2 of property, shall issue the divorce certificates.第三十二条男女一方要求离婚的,可由有关部门进行调解或直接向人民法院提出离婚诉讼。Article 32 When one party alone desires a divorce, the organizations concerned may carry out mediation3, or the party may appeal directly to a peoples court to start divorce proceedings4.人民法院审理离婚案件,应当进行调解;如感情确已破裂,调解无效,应准予离婚。In dealing5 with a divorce case, the peoples court should carry out mediation between the parties. Divorce shall be granted if mediation fails because mutual6 affection no long exists.有下列情形之一,调解无效的,应准予离婚:Divorce shall be granted if mediation fails under any of the following circumstances:(一)重婚或有配偶者与他人同居的;(1)bigamy or, cohabitation of a married person with any third party;(二)实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员的;(2)domestic violence or, maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another;(三)有赌博、吸毒等恶习屡教不改的;(3)bad habits of gamble or drug addiction7 which remain incorrigible8 despite repeated admonition;(四)因感情不和分居满二年的;(4)separation caused by incompatibility9, which lasts two full years; and(五)其他导致夫妻感情破裂的情形。(5)any other circumstances causing alienation10 of mutual affection.一方被宣告失踪,另一方提出离婚诉讼的,应准予离婚。Divorce shall be granted if one party is declared to be missing and the other party thereby11 files an action for divorce.第三十三条现役军人的配偶要求离婚,须得军人同意,但军人一方有重大过错的除外。Article 33 If the spouse12 of a soldier in active military service desires a divorce, the soldiers consent must b e obtained, except that the soldier commits a serious fault.第三十四条女方在怀孕期间、分娩后一年内或中止妊娠后六个月内,男方不得提出离婚。女方提出离婚的,或人民法院认为确有必要受理男方离婚请求的,不在此限。Article 34 A husband may not apply for
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