江苏初一英语下Unit 4 短语牛津版.docVIP

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Unit 4重点短语 (7B) 1. 它的明亮的光用脚趾走frightened / be afraid 20. 仔细地听 listen carefully 21. 听到奇怪的声响 hear the strange noise 22. 立刻跑走 run away quickly 23. 在某人回家的路上 on one’s way home 24.告诉某人更多 tell sb more 25.站在树边 stood beside the tree 26.向树后看 look behind the tree 27.确信 be sure / make sure 28.来自灌木丛 come from the bushes 29.仔细地有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 search carefully 30.自言自语 say to oneself (myself , yourself , himself ,herself , itself ,ourselves , yourselves , themselves) 31.发出像耳语的声音 make a sound like a whisper 32.把小猫带到了动物中心 take the little cat to the animal centre 33.好好照看 take good care of / look after well 34.接下来的星期天 the following Sunday 35.玩得很开心 have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy oneself 36.再也不害怕了 be not afraid any more / be no more afraid 37.公园里发生了什么事 What happened in the park? 38.来自大树的顶部 from the top of the big tree 39.帮助Andy找到鬼 help Andy find the ghost 40.在公园里的一颗树下交谈 talk under the big tree in the park 41. 那天晚些时候’t worry! 56. 有毒 be poisonous 57.告诉某人有趣的事 tell sb something interesting 58.给我们每人一份资料单 give each of us a fact sheet 59. 照相 take photos 60. 害怕那些奇怪的动物 be afraid of those strange animals 61.一点也不害怕 be not afraid at all 62.疲劳 be tired 63.激动地看到如此多的令人惊奇的东西 be excited to see so many amazing things 64.找出更多世界上关于令人惊奇的东西 find out more about amazing things in the world 65.很长时间以前 a long time ago 66.地球上的第一个动物 the first animals on Earth 67.不同种类的恐龙 different kinds of dinosaurs 68.重大约三公斤 weigh about three kilograms


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