细说教材(Unit13 The water planet).docVIP

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细说教材 Speaking How is the water being used?这水是如何正在被使用的? 点拨:此处用了现在进行时的被动语态,其构成是is/am/are +being +p.p。被用来/被用作 be used to do/for/as。 Who benefits from using water in this way?这样用水谁受益? 点拨:1.benefit vi. benefit from/by sth.=receive benefit from 受益于,得益 e.g.1.Who will benefit from the old man’s death? 那位老人死后谁将是受益人? e.g.2.Who is likely to benefit most by the new tax laws? 什么人可能从新税法中得到最大的好处? e.g.3.He hasn’t benefited from the experience.(= He has become wiser with…) 他虽有体验却无长进。 2.benefit vt.使受益,有利于,有益于=do good to,to be useful to e.g.1.Such foolish behaviour will not benefit your case. 这种愚蠢的行为不会对你的情况有利。 e.g.2.These facilities have benefited the whole school. 这些设施使全校受益。 n. profit,advantage,good effect“优越条件,利益,好处”,通常与以下例句中所示的动词及介词连用。 e.g.1.She had the benefit of a good education. 她受过良好的教育,这是她的优越之处。 e.g.2.The goal has been achieved with the benefit (=help/aid) of modern technology. 借助现代技术,这个目标已经达到。 e.g.3.It is of great benefit to everyone. 这对于每个人都有极大的好处。 e.g.4.I’ve done it for his benefit. 我为他做好了这件事。 e.g.5.A change in the law will be to everyone’s benefit. 法律中的一项修改将符合所有人的利益。 e.g.6.Because of illness,she didn’t get much benefit from her stay abroad. 她呆在国外因病而没得到多大的好处。 What are some disadvantages of using water in this way? 这样用水有哪些不利之处? 点拨:disadvantage n.不利条件,不便之处 e.g.His bad health is a great disadvantage to him. 他体弱多病对他很不利。 put sb. at a disadvantage/be at a disadvantage 置某人于不利境地/某人处于不利境地 e.g.1.His broken English when talking with natives puts him at a disadvantage. 他同把英语作为本族语的人交谈时支离破碎的英语使他处于不利境地。 e.g.2.If you are not good at computers,you will be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job. 如果你不擅长电脑,那对你找工作将是一个很不利的条件。 to sb’s disadvantage 对某人不利,有损声誉,使某人吃亏 e.g.It would be to your disadvantage to put money in the project. 把钱用在这个项目上,可能要吃亏。 Reading the properties of water水的特性 点拨:1.[C] a quality,power or effect that belongs naturally to sth.特性,性质 e.g.Many plants have medicinal properties. 许多植物有药物效用。 2.[U] 财产,资产 e.g.The jewels were her personal property. 这些首饰是她的私人财产。 3.[U] land and b


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